Wild turkey thighs

AT Hiker

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
So, I thawed 4 thighs out last night and placed them in a brine this morning. Just a simple salt and water bath. I should be able to let them bribe for 6-8 hours.
I'm thinking of pressure cooking them for a bit and then charring them on the grill. Maybe 1/2 with a wet Sriracha/BBQ sauce and the other 2 with a sweet chili type of sauce.

I don't want to do a typical "cook the thighs then shred them". I've had great success with wings, actually phenomenal results by brining and smoking. But I'm unsure on how the thighs would work.

So, has anyone tried what I'm doing? Any other ideas I might try?

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Re: Wild turkey thighs

Hate I didn't see this earlier AT, but next time maybe add some brown and/or white sugar to your brine and a smashed garlic clove or 2.

Re: Wild turkey thighs

I have smoked turkey thighs before came out great. After a brine you are doing they should smoke up real good. Wings and legs I usually make a stock with, then use the meat for turkey salad.