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Wildest thing I have ever seen


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Long story and it will sound like horse hockey but I promise you on everything holy this is a true story.

I went fishing at the pond this afternoon.
I was catching several bass, but as usual they were all dinks.

I had moved down to the far edge of the property that I have permission to fish.
The next yard I can't enter.
The next yard is fenced in.
There was a big blue heron inside the fence. There was a smaller one, about half the size of the big one, on the outside of the fence.
The big one was walking back and forth along the fence like it was trying to figure out how to get out.
I was thinking, I can't believe that bird can't get out.
Then it finally just flapped it's wings and sat on top of the chain link fence.

About that time I caught another fish, actually the largest of the day thus far, about 12" long.

I heard something and the blue heron had flown off the fence and had landed in the yard not 5 yards from me. :shock:
I was standing there, holding the fish, looking at the heron, that was looking at me.
Hmmm, so I pitched the fish into the yard about 5 feet from the bird.

Sure enough it proceeded to STAB the fish with it's beak no less than 20 times.
Each shot was dead on, right in the side of the fish in the gills.
Finally after it was sure the fish was dead I guess, it picked it up, got it positioned correctly and proceeded to gulp it down.
I just stood there with my jaw dropped open watching it all.
Most amazing thing I have ever seen.

Then I thought, I gotta video this !!!
So I started casting like a mad man and couldn't catch squat !

The bird moved off back towards the chain link property, got in the water and washed it's beak off and got a couple drinks.
By the time I caught another bass it, and the small one, had flown across the pond to the other side.

Never in my life would I have believed it if I hadn't seen it.
Sure wish I had a witness.

Caught a couple more little ones and then I decided on that "last cast" and caught this one. Nice chunky healthy 2 pounder. :D

Still can't believe it.
They are smart birds. There's one that hangs out where they stock the trout in the winter here, and he flies down and stands by the water when the truck rolls up. Within minutes of releasing the trout, the bird will catch 1 or 2 and eat them. This past winter he ate two in a row and his whole neck was moving back and forth from the fish.

Sent from the talk of tap
Was trolling for crappie a few years ago and hooked up with a nice sized crappie. while reeling it in and watching it skip across the top of the water this big Bird I think it was a Osprey swooped down and plucked my crappie outta the water.

My jigs were still hooked to my fishes mouth so this bird was 25 foot in the air pulling on this fish that was still attached to my line. The bird eventually yanked the hooks out and took off with the fish.

This bird set in it's nest 50 or so yards away ate the crappie and watched us till we left this spot. like it was waiting on us to catch another fish, like it had did this before lol.
My inlaws have a place in Florida that has several community ponds and the gators will just lie in wait every time I bass fish there. They normally don't get any of the fish I catch but one a couple years ago got hung up in some grass and the gator got it before I could free the fish. I tugged till the line broke and he swam away. Not sure about passing that hook!
That bird may have been trained by other fisherman and had been to this rodeo before. Reminds me when I was a kid. When I grabbed my pole to go over the hill to the river, our housecat would follow my heels to get a fish. Cool story!
That's pretty cool, I would have done the same thing lol.

Smart birds. Just the other day me and my brother-in-law watched one catch about 5 shad in just a matter of minutes, one right after another. His last strike he pulled up 2, when he turned his head up one fell out and the other was bird food. When he flew off my BIL says "I think we should follow that bird"
Fed em lady fish down on the beach till it looked at me crazily and waddled off. I'm guessing it was full. :D

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