Wildview cam disappointment...


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin TN
Checked my black flash Wildview which I hadn't checked in weeks. it's been set over a trophy rock since mid-february. Lots of does last time I checked..

Well I got there and first noticed the lens, LCD and flash were fogged over from the inside. Moisture getting in the camera, not very good...

Opened it up to check the card and there were ants in there. LCD came on, but then flaked out. Last pic was taken on March 26. Opened battery compartment and another good clump of ants was all over the batteries. They made their home in there and got through some opening due to flaw in the design. Camera has sturdy latches and it was completely shut, but not designed well, and moisture and ants made a home inside my camera and now it doesn't work anymore.

Well, it took good pics while it lasted. Any recommendations for an affordable IR or black flash camera?
I have a primos ultra 35 about 115$ but runs on AA and battery life is awesome. Mine took around 8000 pictures from August to February on one set. I have a moultrie m80 and can't beat the performance and takes great pictures to.. I have been looking at getting a few more m80's or picking up some DLC Covert MP6.. You will probably get a lot of opinions on what is good or what everybody likes.. I'd do some research on chasing game's website.
I like the sound of the one on AAs. C cells are expensive... Ill do some looking. Don't have the money now but will have to set some aside cause I don't want to rely on my moultrie that occasionally takes black night pics
I'll tell one of my friends about this flaw in the Wildview black flash. He was thinking about buying one because he said they had more range, but I'm not too familiar with that camera.

Got my first camera, a Moultrie M-100 this past Christmas, then a Covert MP6 a few weeks ago. Also have a Tasco 50 buck cam from Walmart. I like all three of them, but the Moultrie is my favorite, followed by the Covert then the Tasco.
Almost the same thing happenend to my wildview. took decent picks before it got ruined, except for some would be solid white.
One day I checked it a few days after a rain. The linses where fogged up from the inside, do not know how it happeneed. The compartaments were shut, and it was 3 or 4 years old, so It had been rained on before. This particular storm just got it for some reason.
I have a moultrie now that does pretty good.
Come on guys. It's kind of hard to be disappointed in Wildview cameras if they last a year or so, shoot they only cost about $50-60 apiece.

I own 5 of them, they've lasted 3 years and have taken good pictures. If they go down tomorrow, I've got my money's worth!
catsbackr said:
Come on guys. It's kind of hard to be disappointed in Wildview cameras if they last a year or so, shoot they only cost about $50-60 apiece.

I own 5 of them, they've lasted 3 years and have taken good pictures. If they go down tomorrow, I've got my money's worth!

Maybe, but I'm on year 4 with 3 of my Bushnell Trophy Cams that cost me about $150/ea. I dare say that getting a game camera to snap a picture when it should w/decent clarity for $50 and getting 3 years use out of it isn't typical is all I'm trying to say.
catsbackr said:
Come on guys. It's kind of hard to be disappointed in Wildview cameras if they last a year or so, shoot they only cost about $50-60 apiece.

I own 5 of them, they've lasted 3 years and have taken good pictures. If they go down tomorrow, I've got my money's worth!
I only had mine since February and I got it on clearance for $40 or $50, regular price $129
Primos makes an awesome camera Cat. I had a Wildview that lasted about 4 months. Took good pics while it lasted. When the camera goes bad it heats up which is why the ants bore into it. The EXACT same thing happened to mine.