Well-Known Member
I have a guardian, 67lb, 25in bemen arrow 400's ( 310 total wt with head). I have heard that expandables ie rage or gator would not function properly with this set up? any words of wisdom??
Your guy would freak at my setup. My expandables work just fine.TS_13 said:Thats really what I thought, but not having shot them before I thought I would ask. His concern was the cutting diameter. Thanks guys, I wanted some opinions (that hopefully matched mine) )
TS_13 said:Guy was telling me that i wasnt pushing enough arrow for them.
bowtch huntr209 said:google archery ke calculator.
I ran your numbers it's ESTIMATING 278 fps and 53 lb of KE.
Look at grim reapers they only need one lb of pressure to open
TS_13 said:So would it matter with the rage heads that open before entry? Wouldnt be much loss of KE right?
Very good post! There is much much more involved than most realize when dealing with penetration. For instance, the fact that it takes only 1 lb to open a mechanical, has nothing to do with how much pressure it takes to push 3 blades, 2 inches wide, thru a deer, especially with a less than perfect shot?TNDeerGuy said:TS_13 said:Guy was telling me that i wasnt pushing enough arrow for them.
Whomever told you that, is exactly right! Due to the law of physics, I would take another look at the weight of your arrow if you are going to use any type of mechanical broadhead. The reason is with your setup you will shed alot of energy in a very short distance with such a light arrow weight�loss of inertia is what it is called�if you take a golf ball and a ping-pong ball and through them at equal speeds which one will go further...the golf ball; also if someone stands ten feet in front of you and throws both balls at you, which one will hurt the most...the golf ball of course.
Another problem is the old saying, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction�your target will actually resist penetration in greater amounts with a lighter arrow. A slower, heavier weight arrow, will carry more kinetic energy down range, for a longer period, and hit with greater impact than a lighter arrow.
Then you still have another problem�the mechanical broadhead. With that arrow you already have shed alot of inertia and potential energy downrange at 20yds and now the broadhead is going to lose even more kinetic energy during its opening process�no matter how "easy" it opens.
To make a long story, short. Check your FOC and get it in the 20% range�that will help your impact energy a tremendous amount.I also would definately go with a heavier arrow, and perhaps increase your broadhead weight, which will go back to FOC. Most of all I would NOT use a mechanical because even if you go with a heavier arrow, a quality cut-on-contact broadhead will outperform it and you will end up with better downrange physics and in the end...results.