Winchester SX3 ?


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Reaction score
Anyone turkey hunt with a sx3 ?

I was planning on doing something different this year but my hvac unit decided I didn't need to buy another gun. LOL :D

Just curious if anyone has turkey hunted with one and if so, what was your best choke / load?

Got the 28" barrel on mine.
I have a 26" SX3 and have crushed a couple juicey heads with it. It is not my main turkey gun but it is always fun to grab a different shotgun from time to time.

I shot Hevi13 #6 out of Hevi Choke and got really good patterns.
Just got a sx3 and a Indian Creek black Diamond strike .665 choke tube. Gonna shoot hevi shot blend or Longbeard no.6s out of it but haven't had a chance to shoot yet tho.
I hunt with one a lot, 26" barrel, Primos' Jellyhead choke, with either Magnum Blend or Long Beards.
Has done an excellent job, it'll shoot better than the shooter.

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