the wind is just another thing you have to learn to evercome, this past weekend we killed 4 birds in three days in the wind cold and drizzle. they were all woods birds and took a little longer to commit but they did
The wind can be your friend. Turkeys dont leave the woods just because its windy. Wind hides movement, covers sound. Call louder, more often, hunt deep hollers. I've watched em gobble at 60yds, and never heard a sound.
Just hunt the areas that are low and out of the wind. That's where the gobblers are SUPPOSED to go. Hasn't worked for me yet this year but it has in the past.
Wind doesn't affect the turkeys we hunt. My dad killed one yesterday in 20+ mph wind. There were three gobblers and the one he killed had 1 5/16 in. spurs. You just have to call louder.