Winter Flocks Are Breaking Up


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2010
Reaction score
Williamson County
On the way to Church this morning, I saw four different groups of birds between Spring Hill and Columbia (10 miles). Three of the groups were in areas where I had not seen turkeys since last season.

This matches up with what I observed while scouting Thursday. Good reason to emphasize continued scouting as a lot can change from now to April 2nd.
it's about time... just a few days ago I watched em fly down at Yanahli southeast of Columbia and they were still grouped up pretty good. I thought I heard some jakes in there and there were a lot of hens.
I was scouting some property up around Columbia on Saturday. While walking through the woods around noon, had a bird gobbled about 100 yards down the hill from my buddy and me. He must have heard us crunching through the leaves and thought it was hens feeding. We got out of there quick before he busted us in there. While leaving the property, we saw a lone gobbler crossing the road about 1pm. So, I believe your right...I think they are breaking up and establishing territory.
Saw 3 or 4 hens on the way to school today in a field in williamson county. No gobblers, although I have seen some longbeards there before.
Poser said:
GobbleFever said:
I was scouting some property up around Columbia on Saturday. While walking through the woods around noon, had a bird gobbled about 100 yards down the hill from my buddy and me. He must have heard us crunching through the leaves and thought it was hens feeding. We got out of there quick before he busted us in there. While leaving the property, we saw a lone gobbler crossing the road about 1pm. So, I believe your right...I think they are breaking up and establishing territory.

I had almost the identical scenario on Saturday about the same time of day.

Cool...don't know about you...but it really got me fired up! Might have been a dead turkey if the season had been open!