Worst Time to Hunt Turkeys


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Murfreesboro, TN
I can't remember when I read it, but not too long ago someone asked on this forum when the worst time to turkey hunt is. The general consensus was a truthfully humorous response: quitting time. This afternoon I found that to be true in the worst way.

I tried to get my arch nemesis bird this afternoon, but either someone got him yesterday or he wasn't interested in giving away his location at all. I had just enough time to either get a little work done or go check another spot. While there was no way of knowing, I should have chosen to go get a little work done. Not only did I discover the agony of quitting time, but because I have to be home by 5 o'clock, I had to pick up and leave while three gobblers were 150 yards away or so. With the calling, the thunder, and the sprinkling, the only people who were happy to be in the woods were the people who didn't have to be home by the time the babysitter needs to leave.

Yes, quitting time is a bad time to hunt turkey, but having to quit while success is a football field away is definitely much worse.
Reminds me of a hunt that was a race against the lightning. This turkey gobbled at my calls and at the thunder of a rapidly approaching storm and I knew I had only minutes left before quitting time. I ended up leaving that bird as he was actually marching across the field to my gun barrel and SPRINTED to the house. That dude was absolutely on a string.

I remember thinking, "This lightning rod slung over my shoulder is gonna lead to my electrifying demise."
Hahah I once ha to literally stand up with 2 toms at 75 yds and still coming to get to the house in time for a wedding my son was in! Was a terrible feeling knowing 15 more mins and I would have had a dead bird. I had to RUN the 1/2 mile back to the truck in full gear to make it home in time. Was still late but man it sucked
REN said:
Hahah I once ha to literally stand up with 2 toms at 75 yds and still coming to get to the house in time for a wedding my son was in! Was a terrible feeling knowing 15 more mins and I would have had a dead bird. I had to RUN the 1/2 mile back to the truck in full gear to make it home in time. Was still late but man it sucked
Surely your son would have congratulated you and understood lol maybe not the wife though lol
Missing an opportunity on a tom is much less painful than momma/wifey standing at the door with her hands on her hips when you pull up......