X Force by PSE

Spoon and BigCountry shoot the x-force . I have read allot of good reviews .The choice is up to you . Shoot it and see what you think .
I love mine. I have the Dream Season which is just the X-foce 7 and the X-force treestand.

Im like Radar. Shoot it and see what you think. But i would also shoot there Bow Madness line. They are sweet. And a better price range.
I have the 6" brace height X-force and love it. My wife shoots the super short (SS) short draw (SD) model. I thinking about buying another one this year, the Tree Stand model.

Like Bigcountry and Radar said shoot one before you buy it.
I loved the one I had. The only problem was finding a shop with a bowpress that was compatible with them. Now what has happened is that the new Mathews bows are gonna require the same type presses, so now most shops that sell Mathews bows will have the press required to work on the X-Force. Benton Shooters already has one of them.