You CAN lose an arrow with a Judo point.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
Crossville, TN., U.S.A.
From all I read a Judo point will make an arrow flip up in tall grass so you won't lose it, WRONG,LOL. I took a shot at a starling sitting on a branch at about 20 yrds. Hit right below him on the branch and there was a few feathers that flew and so did he. Anyway, went to look for the arrow with a Judo point in the field behind where I shot and I just can't find it. Only God knows where it went, probably stuck thru one of the tufts of grass in the field. Anyway, looks like I'll have to recruit my grandkids to help find it for me. Even though it was my worse arrow I still want it back since it still cost me $7.25+$3.50 for the Judo point. On a positive note I just about hit that bird, which is kind of cool, LOL
Ok, update. Took one of my grandsons down and looked around and I found it. I was using a large stick to lift up the grass and saw it move when I went under one pile of grass. Guess I just needed his good luck to help ME find it. Think I'm taking the kid to the Horse Track,LOL.
I hate loseing an arrow...Especially when its in your mowed yard and you know that it is under the grass somewhere..LOL
And I thought trying to find brass after shooting a semi-auto was hard, LOL. One trick that I learned from the experience, use a staff to stick under the matted down grass and gently lift, if there's an arrow in it you'll see both ends of the pile move because of the arrow.
I shot an arrow when I was about 12, lost it in the yard burried under the grass like only an arrow can. When I was 22 I was running the dog in the back yard and he took the nock into his chest. Emergency trip...bleeding dog in lap going 90 plus.

Moral of the story, find those arrows that you lose in the yard!