Your D-Loop


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Morgan Co
How long is your D Loop on your guys bows? When I had my new bow string installed they tied me a new d loop on and dang its over 1 inch long and its hard for me to get a good anchor point with it being that long..Took it to have it shortened up and it was good the first session but today,I noticed that it has streched back to be too long..I don't know what material they are useing but it streched a whole lot. Im gonna pick me up some string and attempt to tie my own from now on..Now its on to youtube to watch some videos..LOL Im having the hardest time getting my bow shooting good since I had my new string installed...Time is fast approaching...
I use BCY material. I cut mine around 4 3/8" before I burn the ends. There isn't anything to it. I cut the length and melt the ends. You can then apply some wax to it to help it pull tighter. I tie one knot on and then the other and take needle nose pliers to pull it tight. Insert them inside the loop closed with one side against the string. Then open the pliers pulling it tight. Give it a good pull to make sure it won't come undone.
My loop on my old string wasn't even half inch long....Got me some loop string, gonna try my hand at tieing it tomorrow..
I don't use one for the same reason you are talking about and mine always wore out within a month of shooting. I bought a tru nock at bass pro and put on it. No problems with it since.
Buck Assassin said:
I don't use one for the same reason you are talking about and mine always wore out within a month of shooting. I bought a tru nock at bass pro and put on it. No problems with it since.

if that is the metal screw-on nock, it will eventually cut throuh you string.
stik said:
Buck Assassin said:
I don't use one for the same reason you are talking about and mine always wore out within a month of shooting. I bought a tru nock at bass pro and put on it. No problems with it since.

if that is the metal screw-on nock, it will eventually cut throuh you string.

Yes, I have heard of people having problems like that but I put mine put on last year and I checked it this year before I started practicing and every thing was good!
I tie my own . The knots will slip sometimes , but my string loop rarely stretches . When the knot slips , loosen it up and cut 1/8"-1/4" off one end , then retie that end with a new knot . Make sure you fray the fibers on the end , then burn it to make a good ball on the string end.
It doesn't take much knot slippage to lengthen the loop , so some experimentation is necessary when tying on a new loop.
Longer is better than shorter.

One day I accidentally left my main release home, so I used my backup release. My backup release has slightly longer jaws, and it interfered with the end of my arrow nock.