your favorite turkey combo?

I have done nothing really to make mine a long range gun. Tactical 835 with factory choke and cheap Remington Nitro #5's. Dont feel like Ive done my part if he aint 30 yards or closer.
Me being a Remington man, I keep it common so as to switch up chokes with loads between guns if I wanted to.

I run a:

870sm with a kicks .665 & Win Sup HV #5's for the woods.

11-87sm with an Indian Creed BDS .665 with Hevi-13 Mag Blends for all around hunting.

(on order) another 870sm to use with scope, a JellyHead .660 & Hevi-13 3.5-2.25-6's for field hunting.

The wife shoots an 11-87 with a Rhino .660 and Hevi-13 3-2-7's.

I know you said favorite..... but I like em all. :D :grin:
870 with a .665 Indian Creek choke and the 3" H-13 #7s. Thinking about trying out a Pure Gold .670 to try and open up the pattern just a hair.
Remington 870 special purpose with 23" barrel, Indian Creek choke and Nitro H517T 4X5X7 shells. Before the bashing starts, I agree the shells are rather expensive. They are typically my first shot with Hevi Shot Magnum Blend being for follow up shots (if needed, which is not the case IF I do my part and stay down on the gun). Before I switched to Hevi Shot, I shot Winchester High Velocity #4 shells for 10+ years with good results.
T32MD said:
835 thunder stick!!!!!
sims pad
truglo pro sights
rhino .680 choke
nitro 501L shells 4c x 5c x7h

bad joo-joo for mr tom
11 kills in 3 years

used to have a savage stevens 311 12 ga sxs for the longest time and was pretty succesful with its limited range over the years
let alot of locked up birds have a free pass at times
home defense gun now

Dont ya just love those nitro shells? I need to order another box this year down to 5 of them.