Your WORST shot with a bow


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
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I know all of you deadeyes out there have put some not so perfect shots on some critters - my worst was on a deer at 25 yards, I could of shot it at 7 steps but let it walk out into the field quartering away - I shot and watched in horror as my arrow buried in the deer about 2 inches away from the ol punkin hole !! Luckily it hit that artery in the back ham and it didn't go far but it did run right through my neighbors yard. I felt horrible and learned to take the easy shot if you have one - the last one I killed was 5 steps -lol
Nobody has to comment if they don't want to - just shared a story - i was glad I harvested the deer, I don't go out and just shoot randomly or wound a bunch of animals, I am a very ethical hunter and I take care with my shots, things just happen sometimes - I figured most people on here hunted and just liked to talk and share stories - thats just the way me and my family are we talk about the good, bad and sometimes ugly, it's all part of hunting, Sorry if I offended somebody with this topic , it wasn't meant to be a downer for everyone.
The first buck I ever shot at, a big 6 point, 8 yards broadside posing for the kill and I shot over his back, I still think about that on, a buddy of mine killed it just down the road during muzzleloader, 19" wide and weighed 198
DKO77 said:
Nobody has to comment if they don't want to - just shared a story - i was glad I harvested the deer, I don't go out and just shoot randomly or wound a bunch of animals, I am a very ethical hunter and I take care with my shots, things just happen sometimes - I figured most people on here hunted and just liked to talk and share stories - thats just the way me and my family are we talk about the good, bad and sometimes ugly, it's all part of hunting, Sorry if I offended somebody with this topic , it wasn't meant to be a downer for everyone.

No offense taken on my part, and yes we do share stories�the good, the bad, the ugly and sometimes the hilarious (cough, cough Crow :) ). Everyone can learn through the mistakes of others�at least that is how I see it.

My worst shot I have taken was at a doe where I was waiting for her to turn perfectly broadside, instead of her ever so slight quartering to angle (truth be known I had the shot anyway, I was just waiting for some reason for that textbook broadside), and had been at full-draw for waaaay to long causing my muscles to start cramping and I was shaking like a leaf. I should have got into my relaxed full-draw position so I could recover, or just let down completely and completely recovered, but I just knew in my head she was going to turn any second. This was a relaxed, grazing deer and I know if I had waited she would have given me probably four broadside shots. Anyway, I shot in between spasms and hit her a little to far back and it cost me about 6 hours of time and several hundred yards. Rule number attention to the attitude of the deer and never ever rush the shot or the opportunity�it almost never ends up well. Rule number two....don't be afraid to let down, or learn how to remain at full draw and get into a relaxed position so the tension is taken off of your muscles.
Well mine was a deer about 28 yards, perfect quarter away shot right on the money and I heard a Shwack, thought I hit it but was unsure, a buddy came over found blood and we started following it about 10 yards. Come to find out I somehow hit the deer in the jugular under the jawbone. Crazy but hey it killed him.

The best worst shot on a deer was when big lefty was naked on his bean bag eatin cheetos watching monster bucks a few years back and dry fired his bow forgetting he was naked eating Cheetos watching monster bucks instead of really hunting
When I was 17 or so I missed a small 4 point 3 times. All under 20 yards. One of the arrows hit a rock and shot sparks under the deer. It was awesome!! I ended up hitting it with the fourth shot...right thru the guts. Never found it. I haven't hit and lost a deer since.
UTGrad said:
I shot a buck last year square in the shoulder. I learned a valuable lesson, be patient.

I did the same thing but killed him later in the season. However, my worst shot was in the back leg. The string hit my jacket and caused the arrow to veer left. I ended up seeing that buck again in someone's truck during gun season with my broadhead still in him.
@fulldraw said:
UTGrad said:
I shot a buck last year square in the shoulder. I learned a valuable lesson, be patient.

I did the same thing but killed him later in the season. However, my worst shot was in the back leg. The string hit my jacket and caused the arrow to veer left. I ended up seeing that buck again in someone's truck during gun season with my broadhead still in him.

Did at least get your broadhead back? :)
I've had some horrible ones. 2 does I've hit square in the shoulder and watched trot off with my arrow sticking way out. Never found them.

Another one was a long shot on a doe that tore her stomach open. My buddy and I tracked it in circles for like 5 hours - finding bits of intestine on briars. We ended up finding it still alive and I put her down. Tore me up inside.

In the end, we both scored that evening and brought our prizes across the river in a canoe. One of the most memorable hunts I've had. Learned a lot on that one.
I shot this deer the year before on opening day of the NC bowseason. Shot looked perfect. Quartering away at 27yds. Tracked him about 600yds total over 2 days. His antlers were identical, only he did'nt have the mass. My buddy killed him 3 days into muzzleloader season the following year out of the same stand I shot him. Look closely in the picture. bottom left, thats the scar from where I shot him right square in the shoulder. When we skinned him down, there was my Thunderhead 100 surrounded by a baseball sized mass of scar tissue. Looked just like it had just came out of the pack...No rust, no arrow. Funny thing is, my buddy was hunting about a month after I had shot him. He said, "I swear I just saw the deer you shot on opening day", he was crossing the highway about 500yds down from our land. We just figured it was a different deer.

TNDeerGuy said:
@fulldraw said:
UTGrad said:
I shot a buck last year square in the shoulder. I learned a valuable lesson, be patient.

I did the same thing but killed him later in the season. However, my worst shot was in the back leg. The string hit my jacket and caused the arrow to veer left. I ended up seeing that buck again in someone's truck during gun season with my broadhead still in him.

Did at least get your broadhead back? :)

Nope. The guy wanted to keep it. :crazy:
I had a 7 pt come within 10 yards of a ground blind.. broadside and I drew back and put the pin in the bread basket... let go and the arrow hit him square in the neck at the base of the skull...??? he went about 30 yards and bled out...
Back when I hunted out of tree:

I shot a young doe one year at about 10 yards. After the shot she ran off and stopped. looking back. I then saw my arrow sticking out..... of a limb 15 feet off the ground. :D The doe came back and I was able to make a clean shot and watched her fall.

The first deer I ever shot at was at 10 yards with my Bear Whitetail Hunter. Of course I shot over her back. That was back in the late 70's when seeing a deer in Claiborne Co was a thrill.
rukiddin? said:
I shot this deer the year before on opening day of the NC bowseason. Shot looked perfect. Quartering away at 27yds. Tracked him about 600yds total over 2 days. His antlers were identical, only he did'nt have the mass. My buddy killed him 3 days into muzzleloader season the following year out of the same stand I shot him. Look closely in the picture. bottom left, thats the scar from where I shot him right square in the shoulder. When we skinned him down, there was my Thunderhead 100 surrounded by a baseball sized mass of scar tissue. Looked just like it had just came out of the pack...No rust, no arrow. Funny thing is, my buddy was hunting about a month after I had shot him. He said, "I swear I just saw the deer you shot on opening day", he was crossing the highway about 500yds down from our land. We just figured it was a different deer.


Wow! Dang they're tough!

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