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Yuchi april 20th


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
Hey i got drawed for the hunt on the 20th and have never been there.anybody got any tips on where to hunt?pm me or just reply back,not wanting anyones honey hole just like to be pointed in general direction,thx rut
If you come in on Bogels Chapel Rd. Park at the first pull off on your left after you get on the WMA. Walk threw the cedar thicket and you will come to a finger field with a woodlot in the middle. If you follow the woodlot left you will see a huge oak. This is good place to start. The birds are very call shy but if you just listen in the morning you will hear birds gobble and then you can try to set up on them. Be careful but I have used a jake gobble in mid-Morning to kill two different gobblers. Mix it up if you call, the yelp alone is almost always useless unless you jazz it up a little. The place I am telling you about has alot of finger fields with woodlots so you may be able to ambush one.
thx guys i really appreciate the help,im fixing to leave work here at 4 am an get after em i hope.stik once again bro thanks for everything and you to fallrutspringstrut,thx guys

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