Benton got their shipment of them in as well. I went and shot one...once...twice...thrice...fours...fives...and then just got the darn thing.
It's not as smooth as the eZ7 but I still couldn't believe it was on 69.3 pounds and shooting that fast. I would have gotten it in a 60 pound model but that bow at nearly 70 felt like my 82nd on 55. So I got the 70 pound model.
Mine's in layaway so it'll be a few weeks before it's actually in my back yard but I really like how this bow shot. It was a hard decision between it an the eZ7 though. I was going to shoot a bunch of bows this year but everywhere I called that carried the PSE or BowTech bows didn't carry any in store. They could get them only upon customer order...which I asked one of them today how was a customer suppose to know whether they liked the bow or not if they didn't have any in stock for them to shoot.
The draw on the Mag is a bit different than the Z7 or Z7Extreme. It's nothing like the eZ7 though. I think it drew a little better than the Z7...must be because it's longer A-A or something.