Powerbelt Bullets!!

Sadly, Powerbelt quit making my bullets (Areotip 405 grn). Once the 12 I've got left are gone, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Once the 12 I've got left are gone, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Change to a different bullet :D

If you experiment around with several different bullet/sabot combinations,
you may be pleasantly surprised, may find something you like even better than those boulders you've been firing out of your gun.

A .45 cal saboted bullet passing thru will still leave a big hole.
And you may find some 285 to 325 gr bullets can be more likely to pass thru than what you've been firing. You can also get a much flatter trajectory as well.
Change to a different bullet :D

If you experiment around with several different bullet/sabot combinations,
you may be pleasantly surprised, may find something you like even better than those boulders you've been firing out of your gun.

A .45 cal saboted bullet passing thru will still leave a big hole.
And you may find some 285 to 325 gr bullets can be more likely to pass thru than what you've been firing. You can also get a much flatter trajectory as well.

Heresy!!!! I will never shoot a 45 caliber pistol bullet out of a 50 caliber rifle! The whole point of an MZ is knock a huge hole through a deer!

Honestly, I'm just stuck in the past. Just like a still "think like a bow-hunter" when setting up stands, even though I haven't bow-hunted in 15 years, I still "think like a Hawken shooter" when it comes to muzzleloaders, even though I've been using an inline for 20 years. For me, it's all about full-passthroughs with the heaviest, largest caliber bullet possible.
Heresy!!!! I will never shoot a 45 caliber pistol bullet out of a 50 caliber rifle! The whole point of an MZ is knock a huge hole through a deer!

Honestly, I'm just stuck in the past. Just like a still "think like a bow-hunter" when setting up stands, even though I haven't bow-hunted in 15 years, I still "think like a Hawken shooter" when it comes to muzzleloaders, even though I've been using an inline for 20 years. For me, it's all about full-passthroughs with the heaviest, largest caliber bullet possible.
Hornady came out with a new non sabot mz bullet this year. Bought a pack of them at academy. Gonna see how they do compared to power belts at the range and go from there.
For me, it's all about full-passthroughs with the heaviest, largest caliber bullet possible.
There are many .45 cal options available that are NOT "pistol" bullets.

AND, you may do as well or better in achieving the full-pass-throughs with many of these options.

Accuracy often becomes more a function of finding the right sabot.

If you're forced to change, consider the .45 cal 300 gr Barnes "originals",
as well as any a number of rifle bullets available in the 300 to 325 gr range.
I've wanted to try different loads but 295gr hp from powerbelt hasn't given me a reason to change
The 295s fly like a dream. Until they hit a deer and then they go to pieces. Just about everybody in our group was shooting them until we had a bunch of nearly lost deer because they wouldn't pass through, even on small does broadside. The 405s will go through, even end-to-end.
Thankfully, Thor's Hammers has been retired. My eyes are too bad to use open sights. And my shoulder too old to handle the recoil! But those 620 grn 58 caliber bullets would go through anything!
And I seriously doubt putting a scope on it would prove to be a long term fix either! The warranty Dept would get tired off hearing from you real quick I'd say! LOL
The 295s fly like a dream. Until they hit a deer and then they go to pieces. Just about everybody in our group was shooting them until we had a bunch of nearly lost deer because they wouldn't pass through, even on small does broadside. The 405s will go through, even end-to-end.
That has been my problems well, but luckily they've all dropped in sight.
The 295s fly like a dream. Until they hit a deer and then they go to pieces. Just about everybody in our group was shooting them until we had a bunch of nearly lost deer because they wouldn't pass through, even on small does broadside. The 405s will go through, even end-to-end.
No pass thru's on any I've killed with the 295 Powerbelts...... some were small blood trails, but none have gone over 100 yds and my 3 biggest bodied all fell to them.
Make a proper shot and they hit where you aim.
I have used the 295 powerbelt's for over 10 years with 100 grains pyrodex and the last few years with 90 grains of BH209. I love them. Other hunters sometimes shun my choice, but it works for me. I don't care much if it passes through or not because they pretty much drop in their tracks. The deer in my photo went about 225 lbs. and he literally fell in his tracks with the 295g PB and 90g BH. In fact, it's not uncommon for me to find the mushroom bullet just under the hide on the opposite side of the deer. I may be wrong, but I'm thinking the deer absorbs 100% of the energy of the bullet, and that's why it's dropping dead. You have to find out what works in your gun and stick to it. if PB ever stops making the 295's, i'll be in the same place as you... having to find another option. i have about 100 of them at home, so I should have plenty for years to come.
I used to shoot powerbelts with my old muzzleloader. I don't believe I ever lost a deer with them, but I also remember never finding ANY blood. Now, with my TC Omega, I use the 250gr TC shockwaves. Been thinking about trying the 300gr.
What I'm looking for is a hardened 50 caliber bullet that goes in 50 caliber and comes out 50 caliber. What I DON'T want is a bullet advertised as high-velocity that expands rapidly. Those are the ones that blow up and don't pass through.