Turkey Hunting Coyotes


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2016
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Is it me or coyotes targeting turkeys more often? I seem to shoot coyotes on the regular lately that are coming to my calls. No decoys.. I also seem to see them in the same places after turkeys on my cell cams. This is one of two that ran off my gobbler Sunday and started stalking me when I called to it.. Then I missed the gobbler later that morning of course...


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I've killed a couple coming to my calls. Usually though they smell me or see me before they get in range for my shotgun.

I shot one in the face with the old school green remington heavy shot and mangled his eyes and head.
Then I had one spot me but wasn't quick enough and I downed him with lead 5s. He squealed and squalled and I just let him expire.
I hate them.

I have seen them enter a pasture with turkeys. The turkeys just watched him and when he went back into the woods they continued their activity.
They are very efficient turkey killers, shoot every one you see

Yes same. I honestly thought about not wasting my ammo because this wasn't my property and I didn't know if I will ever be back but when I see a coyote hunting my calls hes gotta go... And yes that ammo cost me a gobbler later....
I've killed a couple coming to my calls. Usually though they smell me or see me before they get in range for my shotgun.

I shot one in the face with the old school green remington heavy shot and mangled his eyes and head.
Then I had one spot me but wasn't quick enough and I downed him with lead 5s. He squealed and squalled and I just let him expire.
I hate them.

I have seen them enter a pasture with turkeys. The turkeys just watched him and when he went back into the woods they continued their activity.

Lately its like a regular occurrence. Seemed to never happen to me several years ago?
On my places the switch flipped from them coexisting on the landscape and ignoring one another to coyotes actively hunting turkeys about 10 years ago. 5 years ago I had 5 yoties come to my calling looking for a meal in just 2 weekends hunting in TN.

We killed no 14 yest morn on my farms since Nov. To be honest, they are more fun to call in and shoot than deer hunting. Before this year, we would shoot 5 to 7 opportunistically. This is the first winter we have AGRESSIVELY hunted them. We will see what difference it makes in fawn and poult recruitment....

The downside... killing all these yoties is def increasing my coon population. But that OK... we are hammering them as well, even using the call to bring them in while coyote hunting.
Is it me or coyotes targeting turkeys more often? I seem to shoot coyotes on the regular lately that are coming to my calls. No decoys.. I also seem to see them in the same places after turkeys on my cell cams. This is one of two that ran off my gobbler Sunday and started stalking me when I called to it.. Then I missed the gobbler later that morning of course... View attachment 173931
They're quick learners. Gobblers usually quit talking all together when they start pressuring them like that.
Years ago I had several experiences where coyotes passed by my hen decoy at 30-40 yards (I used one back then in fields, the horror) and never gave it a second look. From what I understand predators quickly evaluate risk vs. reward on using calories to pursue something they probably won't catch. The last few years I've called them in and had friends kill coyotes that were charging their decoys. It does seem they are more aggressive towards turkeys these days.
I called in a yote and cat last spring while turkey hunting.I've seen feathers quite a few times where a yote or cat has killed a turkey!I read a study done in South Carolina a few years ago and they said a bobcat is the #1 predator on turkey's!!If i'm turkey hunting I will kill every yote I see!I wish they would let the bobcat season run thru turkey season!!
I called in a yote and cat last spring while turkey hunting.I've seen feathers quite a few times where a yote or cat has killed a turkey!I read a study done in South Carolina a few years ago and they said a bobcat is the #1 predator on turkey's!!If i'm turkey hunting I will kill every yote I see!I wish they would let the bobcat season run thru turkey season!!
Pound for pound the bobcat is the most efficient predator on the planet!!
Yesterday I was scouting a farm I hunt at daybreak. Turkeys flew off the roost and into a pasture. Probably about 20 of them. A coyote appeared along the pasture/woods edge. I thought the turkey watching was over. And if I hadn't seen this, I wouldn't believe it, but 3-4 hens charged the yote and chased it away. Not once, but twice!!

No doubt yotes kill a few turkeys, but this one was not getting any part of that flock!
Years ago I had several experiences where coyotes passed by my hen decoy at 30-40 yards (I used one back then in fields, the horror) and never gave it a second look. From what I understand predators quickly evaluate risk vs. reward on using calories to pursue something they probably won't catch. The last few years I've called them in and had friends kill coyotes that were charging their decoys. It does seem they are more aggressive towards turkeys these days.

Yes that was my experience as well.
I'm going to sight-in my sidearm at 75 yards, because nearly every time I see coyotes while turkey hunting, they're out of range.

One season I had 4 chances to shoot coyotes while turkey hunting, but they were all too far.
I wasted a couple of 3.5" longbeard #5 on the last pair anyways.
I'm going to sight-in my sidearm at 75 yards, because nearly every time I see coyotes while turkey hunting, they're out of range.
This is a good thought but not sure if there's a law against carrying a firearm capable of firing a single projectile while turkey hunting. In some state this is the case but not sure about TN.
I'm going to sight-in my sidearm at 75 yards, because nearly every time I see coyotes while turkey hunting, they're out of range.

One season I had 4 chances to shoot coyotes while turkey hunting, but they were all too far.
I wasted a couple of 3.5" longbeard #5 on the last pair anyways.
It's never a waste to fling lead at a coyote, IMO.

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