Gar story from a bunch of years ago.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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I have no idea why this memory popped into my head this morning but it did so now ya'll have to muddle through my bored ramblings.

The year was somewhere between 1985 & 1989. The only reason I can narrow it down that far is because I remember I was driving my 1985 S10.
4 speed manual transmission, no air conditioning.
Me and two of my work buddy's decided to go to Reelfoot lake and try and catch some gar.
Back then at the old spillway, there was a series of concrete "dams" that created small ponds in the dry of the Summer.
They have since been removed. I guess they were there to control the flow of water down the creek, not sure.

Anyway so it was in July or August. Miserably hot and if you have never been to this area you can't even begin to imagine the smell.
So we are fishing with just regular hooks, bobbers and liver. We fought a bunch of gar that day but landed very few.
We were all drinking Budweiser beer. Skullbuster in a can.
My two buddies got pretty hammered.

Todd had landed a gar about 24" long and he was squatted down trying to get the hook out. No shirt on.
Ricky picked up a dead gar from the bank by the snout.
It was a good 36" at least.
He does a half "Happy Gilmore" headed towards Todd and swings the dead fish like a baseball bat and hits Todd right across the back with it. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🫣 🫣

I swear it sounded like a 22 rifle when it hit him. It basically exploded and Ricky was standing there holding just the bill of the gar. I guess the explosion took alot of the energy away and that's what kept him from going face first into that stinking stagnant water.

I am pretty sure I peed a little from laughing so hard.
Of course Todd got mad. Like really mad, but then started laughing.
Then they decided the best course of action was to start head butting each other in the forehead. LOL

I don't know if I have laughed that hard since that day.
I really believe when I traded that truck for an 89 model I could still smell the gar in there.

And you thought you and your friends were stooopid. LOL
We all know it was Bud Light.. but you don't have to admit it. ;)

My granddad had one of those trucks. He didn't have power steering and I remember him once complaining that he had to stand up in the seat to turn the wheel. 🤣
We all know it was Bud Light.. but you don't have to admit it. ;)

My granddad had one of those trucks. He didn't have power steering and I remember him once complaining that he had to stand up in the seat to turn the wheel. 🤣
I had an 85 89 and a 93. The last 2 had ac but that was it 😂

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