
I know it's a little early but am curious to know if anybody has seen any fawns that have dropped as of yet?
Yes, there is a wheat field behind my shop here, seen a mama and a little yesterday my first, she must of got breed a little early. Tried to get a pic but they moved on before I could.
I seen one couple days ago. I just seen another one about 30 minutes ago out my office window nursing but I suspect it's the same one.
I have a doe with some identifiable markings in Ohio that i believe has dropped. But i have not ID'd a fawn yet. She was just as big as a house and then showed up on mineral noticeably more slim.
There's a few that have dropped in Cumberland county TN. Folks are posting pictures of them around the golf courses.
This is from May 20 here in NW, TN. Same deer in 3 consecutive videos. There were 6 deer that came into the meadow, but the video only shows 4 of them. It looks like twin fawns and a fairly young fawn, but I cannot tell for sure. Any thoughts?

First fawn of the year was seen! Just the fawns head at the entrance to a nearby fox den! Cumberland County
I've seen 3 fox pups/kits right in that area, looks like they're living in the silver barn.
New Born Fawn


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Saw a couple while out driving today.
Had one a little ways from the front porch this afternoon.
My Dad saw this one in his front yard today. He's out in the country but keeps his yard nice and mowed so weird place for it. I can also count on one hand how many deer I've seen there, but he's been seeing a doe around since last fall. I assume it's hers . I haven't talked to him to see when mom came and got it but thought it was pretty cool.


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