Quota hunt listings?

Savage Knight

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
Cleveland, Tn
I know they don't open until the 14th but the list is usually available sooner. Has anyone laid eyes on the list yet? Ive dug and dug and dug and I can't seem to find it online anywhere was hoping someone else has found them.
Guaranteed that somebody asks the same question every year and somebody answers it!

This place is so predictable! Gotta love it.
Tha ks for the link Turkeychaser. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's smart phone make pdf's hard to find once downloaded.

Much easier to just view the online pdf!

Lot of opportunity for those who were never willing to take the safety course every few years and drive to the guard shack twice....once to get your key and then to return and check it out. I miss hunting there.

There should be some nice bucks running around since not hunted last year and some good ones killed.

For those unfamiliar with the place, it is about 15 miles north of Jackson. https://milanarsenalhunting.com/
So...What is the story on the Milan Volunteer Training Site? Is this new?
It is part of the Tennessee National Guard Training Area on the Milan Arsenal. I did several weeks there with the TNG training thru the years. Lots of woods, lots of fields and serviced by many gravel/paved roads. Very similar in many ways to AEDC in Tullahoma.

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