Quota hunt listings?

I dug up one of my older posts (2020) that has more information about Ensley Unit:

"Ensley Unit was 900 acres. I am pretty sure Ensley Unit was not an option last year either. At the season setting meeting in May 2020, TWRA recommended deleting the quota hunt due to growing safety concerns, continuous flooding in recent years, lowered deer population and declining hunter satisfaction and success (3-4 deer over 8 years)."
^^^ Ensley Unit was dropped few years back due to safety issues for TWRA officers as well as applicants that were drawn. South Memphis is not the best area to be in.
Ahhh, makes sense. Was not a great area when I lived in memphis either....
^^^ Ensley Unit was dropped few years back due to safety issues for TWRA officers as well as applicants that were drawn. South Memphis is not the best area to be in.
There was the additional issue of most the deer vacating the "Ensley" area when all the scouters came in to "scout" the day before the quota hunt. This was much more an issue on Ensley than the main island itself.

But the day-before-the-hunt "scouting" is likely the #1 reason for there not being better hunter success now, especially with the increase in brushy cover areas the deer have to hide.
Much easier to just view the online pdf!

Lot of opportunity for those who were never willing to take the safety course every few years and drive to the guard shack twice....once to get your key and then to return and check it out. I miss hunting there.

There should be some nice bucks running around since not hunted last year and some good ones killed.

For those unfamiliar with the place, it is about 15 miles north of Jackson. https://milanarsenalhunting.com/
Thanks for The Link. I was thinking that's a lot of hunts listed.
the other day I got on the site and chose my hunts, but it never submitted, so I gave it a few more days. Today logged on and deer hunts aren't anywhere to be seen on the website. Is the application process not yet open or did it submit my choices and it won't show me the list anymore? Confused.

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