BIG is an understatement

Dean Parisian

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2001
Reaction score
Pamelot, TN, Ghost Ranch, MT, Los Cabo, MX
My youngest son and I have been putting in to hunt mule deer in Nevada for many years, maybe 14 now. We tried this year to draw to no avail. Better luck next year. We wanted to book with Greg Krogh of Mogollon Rim Outfitters. ( Greg hunts some big country, rough and Nevada has few deer to begin with. Greg also runs hunting operations in Sonora, Mexico. This year Greg knocked down an absolute beast that is truly magnificent. With all due respect to Greg I thought I would share it with anyone who appreciates world class mule deer. This deer was killed in Mexico. The genetics in the desert are what dreams are made of. I'd wait 20 years to get one on the ground like this! What a true giant. The rest of the photo's on his Instagram account are spectacular.

That's an absolute giant!! Have you hunted with that outfitter before? His rates seem very reasonable! I want to take an elk in the next few years, but I'd like to take a mule deer as well. Would be even better to do them both on one hunt.
I have not hunted with Mr. Greg Krogh. I have tried but still not able to obtain a non-resident Nevada license. Maybe next year, one can only hope. I have zero interest in hunting Mexico, Africa or about anywhere else. Canadian waterfowl on a DIY extended trip would be a possibility. Having done plenty of Canadian guided waterfowl hunts I just want to be from away from the shoot-a-thons any more. Each to his own. An elk/mule deer combination for you? Try building points in Montana and Colorado. Might take a few years.
Mule deer are massive compared to Whitetails. On the other hand, I've seen a LOT of big whitetails out in Kansas.
Nevada used to have a healthy mule deer herd. It's declined by more than half over the past decade or so. They'll blame climate change, but it's those dang feral horses that are ruining the deer hunting in Nevada. I drew an archery mule deer tag in Nevada back in 2020. One of the few times I got sick of looking at 350+ bull elk every day lol. Would love to go back to that unit again, but budgeting for multiple states for apps is tough right now with a slow down at my job.
Mule deer are massive compared to Whitetails. On the other hand, I've seen a LOT of big whitetails out in Kansas.
I'm working on a KS whitetail right now. It had to weigh north of 300 lbs. By far the biggest bodied whitetail I've ever mounted and bigger than any mule deer I've killed or mounted as well, which isn't many but still it's huge.
Just that he scored 210". 34" wide and 30" main beams. I've only seen one 30" mule deer, I cannot imagine what 34" looks like in the field.
I would have guessed 210. My BIL killed one in Southern Utah that looks real close to this buck. Monster buck in real life, pictures don't do it justice.
I would have guessed 210. My BIL killed one in Southern Utah that looks real close to this buck. Monster buck in real life, pictures don't do it justice.
I can only imagine!
Here is a picture of a picture of a giant mule deer, well north of 200". He came into our camp twice that week. Within 100 yards each time. He is well under 30" but he had huge fronts and those in lines on his backs put him over the top plus his eye guards. Needless to say I still haven't drawn this tag yet…

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