Any AR Aficionados?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2022
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I'm itching for a fun 9mm AR. Don't have a reason for it so I don't want to spend a fortune. I'm looking at combining these two parts:



1) will this work? I know AR's are interchangeable, that's their whole thing, but I don't know specifics of parts and how well they'll mesh. I'm assuming the buffer is the right weight since it's advertised as a 9mm lower?

2) I'm ~not~ asking for legal advice, but there's nothing illegal about this, right? As long as I buy an advertised and registered "pistol" lower, I can put an 8" barrel on it and be fine. However, I cannot buy a registered "rifle" lower, swap the stock, and put an 8" barrel on it. Right?

3) For those of you who have PCCs - is there anything about this cheap build I'll regret? Again, it's just for range use and will prolly live by the night stand for home defense if needed.

I have that one, or similar. It is now an SBR due to the free stamps they were giving away, but it is a legal pistol as is. The only issue, for some, is that it doesn't lock the bolt to the rear upon the last round. Last Round Bolt Hold Open (LRBHO) isn't a big deal to me as I've learned to keep track of how many rounds I've used, but to some it's an issue. It's a fine little rifle/pistol and will suit your purposes just fine.
Any rifle I have I like it to be as accurate as human/mechically possible. I upgraded on trigger and a good Sig Sauer red dot as a backup to iron sights. It will make a world of difference in your effective range.
I have a non-NFA PSA and it runs great. I also have a JP GMR-15, and it runs even better, but it's a whole different game as far as expense goes.
I have that one, or similar. It is now an SBR due to the free stamps they were giving away, but it is a legal pistol as is. The only issue, for some, is that it doesn't lock the bolt to the rear upon the last round. Last Round Bolt Hold Open (LRBHO) isn't a big deal to me as I've learned to keep track of how many rounds I've used, but to some it's an issue. It's a fine little rifle/pistol and will suit your purposes just fine.
Non-LRBHO only refers to when shooting, right? I can still manually push the catch on the side of the receiver to lock the bolt back when loading/storing/cleaning/whatever, right? If so, I don't care if it doesn't hold open when shooting.
Any rifle I have I like it to be as accurate as human/mechically possible. I upgraded on trigger and a good Sig Sauer red dot as a backup to iron sights. It will make a world of difference in your effective range.
I'll put some type of optic on it. Unsure about trigger - I'll have to feel it first. Thanks!
Non-LRBHO only refers to when shooting, right? I can still manually push the catch on the side of the receiver to lock the bolt back when loading/storing/cleaning/whatever, right? If so, I don't care if it doesn't hold open when shooting.
Right, it still works the same way except when you shoot the last round. When you change mags, you'll have to rack the slide.
Love ARs, always wanted an HK so finally grabbed one a bit ago
