Omelet challenge

here's my bacon & cheddar cheese omelet...

little trick here... not burned but seasoned with smoke paprika and cooked on a griddle with Irish butter.... Oh my... delicious.

Those are some great looking omelettes. Every time I try to make one it just ends up like scrambled eggs with stuff in them. Never can get the flip or fold right then I just say screw it and stir it all together.
All about that patience. Resist the urge to flip too soon brother!
Tonight's omelette. Giving It TNlandowner's suggestion of smoked paprika a try. I will report back. Got this one a little too done.


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The Japanese be knowin how to make an egg and for that matter omelets. Don't let em fool you. They make this one thing "omu rice " (may be butchering the name or misremembering but it looks awesome.