HB 1618

I think it would be a step backwards at best. Very disingenuous of the legislature to suggest this and for TWRA to be trying to declare war on the deer herd in some areas in the name of CWD at the same time. Of course I'm sure that the legislature does not consult TWRA.

For the record I disagree with TWRA's CWD response as well as baiting.
For or against baiting on private property?
This bill will allow private land owners to bait on there property with a permit.
This is up for the State House Vote.
This should be a good conversation.
Here is my take on the subject:
I'm for it. It's private land that it will be allowed on. What's the difference of setting up next to a corn field or apple orchard? This has been a life long argument but with that being said Hunt your Hunt. The bill is not requiring you to bait its allowing you to bait. Private property is just that private. If for one minute you don't think outlaws will be outlaws think again. I use corn in the off season to measure number of deer with camera's. The subject of CWD will come up but that's another subject for a different day. If you use doe pee or buck lure or menarial blocks these are attracts to bring deer close. So ask yourself what's the difference if you use a pile of corn to bring deer close. Look you can only kill so many deer a year. How you do it is up to you. So Hunt Your Hunt. No harm done JMO.🦌
If it passes, I hope that each hunter on the baited property would have to wear a minimum of 1,000 inches of Big Bird yellow instead of orange. No landowner exemption on that part.

If it's ever allowed on public, each "hunter" using corn should have to wear a full clown costume, red rubber nose included.

If there are gonna be fistfights over baitpiles, the participants should at least look the part.

I'm very much against the Bill.
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If it passes, each hunter on the baited property should have to wear a minimum of 1,000 inches of Big Bird yellow instead of orange.

No landowner exemption.
I agree to disagree. Private land is just that. No harm done. I bait in the off season with corn, salt blocks etc. I want to give as much nurturing throughout the winter to allow healthy deer in winter. No one is telling you to bait. Hunt your way.
I see a major problem with that. If someone put a bait pile out late one evening to hunt the next day and someone else got there first there would be problems right. So I agree with PRIVATE PROPERTY.

No there would not be any problems.

Public land is just that, public

WMA hunters understand the risks/challenges hunting public land
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No there would not be any problems.

Public land is just that, public

WMA hunters understand the risks/challenges hunting public land
I literally watched fist fights in NC over baiting on base. Game wardens there hated it because of the constant calls and so they finally got it banned on base again. This was a long time ago so no ideas on legality now.
Deeply, deeply opposed. It really gives hunters a black eye. To non-hunters, all it looks like is hunters are so lazy they have to resort to baiting to kill a deer. Which sadly, is exactly the case.
I hear what your saying BSK. But the non hunters are going to find something negative regardless. Lazy, no the object is to get deer as close as possible for an ethical kill right. We use attractis to get deer close why not corn etc? I'm not telling anyone to bait if they don't feel it's right for them. When you look at the money a hunter puts into a season a lease equipment and a license, you would think killing a deer or so would be the end result. To each there own I say. Hunt your Hunt.🦌
I literally watched fist fights in NC over baiting on base. Game wardens there hated it because of the constant calls and so they finally got it banned on base again. This was a long time ago so no ideas on legality now.

Baiting on public land in NC is illegal but happens anyway on occasion

Some people don't care about the laws

Military bases are not considered 'game lands' here so don't know about the baiting laws