Someone explain why TENNESSEE is so expensive to deer hunt….

You never cease to amaze me. Having to register for a site to use is the definition of a privately owned website. Like Sanford said "you big dummy!"
most private clubs or sites require a monetary donation. not just anyone with a email and password!!!! yeah. you are amazing me with the stupid bullshit Dummy!! im sorry but i can create a new email and password and be right back on here Lamont!!
most private clubs or sites require a monetary donation. not just anyone with a email and password!!!! yeah. you are amazing me with the stupid bullshit Dummy!! im sorry but i can create a new email and password and be right back on here Lamont!!

If something is owned by a person or corporation, it's private. If it's owned by government, it's public.

That's basic fact, and your inability to understand that is very illuminating.

(If you need help with the big words, refer to
If something is owned by a person or corporation, it's private. If it's owned by government, it's public.

That's basic fact, and your inability to understand that is very illuminating.

(If you need help with the big words, refer to
I give up trying to explain any common sense to this clown. We are wasting our time.
I give up trying to explain any common sense to this clown. We are wasting our time.

After I posted, I realized I should have included "Put the pointy thing on your screen on and click the left mouse button. If you don't know which way is left or right, find a 5-year old and ask them to show you."
something is owned by a person or corporation, it's private. If it's owned by government, it's public.
exactly what im saying!! i own said private property!!! not the government. i understand completely. you want me to bow down to the state that iv purchased land in and pay state taxes and will have to do so the rest of my life just to keep said property!!! makes sense. dumbass
Who are you guys talking to @BMan ? @Rebels20? 🧐😆😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️
Exactly. This is the only way to deal with ignorance on this site!
Thats not who I was talking about. The person I thought had been a TWRA Officer is still posting here, so it may not be him. It's not important, apparently they don't have a TWRA Officer that wants to volunteer to answer questions.

As far as disputing it, it's no different than cops or former cops giving thier interpretations of the law, or what happens on traffic stops, or probable cause for searches, etc.

Those discussions are good though and give those who have the ability to separate out the BS from those who may actually know what they are talking about.

As someone who worked as a street cop in criminal law I can say that it appears to be much easier to understand and more common sense than hunting laws.
I think you are thinking of SCN
Exactly. This is the only way to deal with ignorance on this
Who are you guys talking to @BMan ? @Rebels20? 🧐😆😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️
i was in kindergarten once. nice !!
After I posted, I realized I should have included "Put the pointy thing on your screen on and click the left mouse button. If you don't know which way is left or right, find a 5-year old and ask them to show you."
make no mistake. i know which way left and right is for MY property lines. How much property do you own!! no one will answer this question??