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Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
Reaction score
McMinn County
I just couldn't stay away after the trip in March. Had the opportunity to go back for 3 days fishing on the White River so here I am. Day 1 wasn't so great for me...caught a 4 lb rainbow my very first cast and that was it for me for the day. Had a bunch of fish hit and just let go. My brother inlaw landed 10 browns and a tiger trout sitting right beside me. 😳 That's how it goes some times. Looking forward to 2 more days of fishing. No big ones today....biggest was a 26" inch brown. We sorta hit it at a bad time with the caddis hatch. These fish are like butterballs right now.
Crow T, do you see many people flyfishing over on the white?
Not who you asked, but yes there are a bunch that do.
Most I see are with a guide in a drift boat and they are easing down the bank.

The closer you get to the d a m the more you see seems like.
I drove over to North Fork this afternoon to look. One of my next trips out here will be there to try it out. The guide we went with says the White is getting over fished and is looking for a change of pace to get away from people. He is going down to fish the Little Red and may take up guiding down there if it pans out. These last few days the brown bite has been tough. If you want rainbows, you can catch 15 to 22 inchers all day long but we're after the big browns. You still catch some rainbows on the brown techniques but not as many as you would if you specifically went targeting rainbows. We'd sit on one hole anchored down and fish for half the day waiting for that one big bite. You don't catch many doing it but there's the chance to catch a 10, 20, or even 30 pounder doing it.
My dad, brothers, my uncle, and several others fly fish every year. The wear waders and wade fish. One guy brings a McKenzie boat and fishes from it. It's always a good time.