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A few fun videos

I actually liked the 2nd video of big 7 but all look amazing.
Gotta admit, when he first picked his head up, those tall G2s raised my eyebrows!

Luckily, "successful" management on my place is pretty easy. Of the 7 family members that hunt, 3 come from out-of-state and only hunt the first 5-7 days of MZ season and that's it for them for the whole year. They'll gladly shoot any buck that isn't a yearling. Two of the "local" family will also gladly kill anything that isn't a yearling. Only 2 hunters are really after "something better." One BIL will take any buck 3 1/2, and then I'm the pickiest as a buck has to be 3 1/2+ and make the "Top 20" for the property, and that only takes a score of better than 113".

We can produce a bunch of bucks that make those qualifications. We usually have 15-20 bucks that are 2 1/2 or older. And we usually have around 5 bucks that meet my requirements of 3 1/2+ and better than 113.
You definitely have some good quality deer! Do you plan on planting the field with the tall grass?
That's sorghum. And some weed grass, soybeans and crimson clover underneath. I'll be seeding and mowing those plots in about 3 weeks. I will then spray with Clethodim to kill the sorghum and grass weeds but not the fall plants (buckwheat and crimson clover). Wheat will be added in late September.

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