About time to break out the gear~!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2018
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Have 3 packs of coyotes sounding off around the farm. They have us surrounded!
My go to trap I keep out year round isn't getting worked so its time to put some additional sets in!

Hadn't been feeling it with the warmer season but now that cold weather is coming it feels like trapping weather!
Ugg. Dug out my traps and they were a mess. I THOUGHT I had pressure washed and painted them before puttting them away. Nope. Got them cleaned and painted. Now I have to wait a couple days for the smell to go away.
Did have one MB550 ready and made a set in a new location I haven't set before. Walking back to the truck found an old pile of scat 10 yds away. Might be a good spot!
I plan to get out my traps tomorrow and get them cleaned up and repainted on the ones that need it. Might put 6-8 out here at the house and pull them up Sunday or Monday. Not going to go all out until after the late mz goes out in Dec.

Once trapping season went out in Feb I put everything up and said I'd clean them up and repaint them when it warmed up. Well that didn't happen.
Looks like a feral cat is raiding my dirt hole sets . Drove up on it as it was peeking into one of the sets. :oops:
Got 2 snares on fence crossings with yote hair in the barbwire so they should produce.
Got 3 DP's out for coons and possums.
Should be some movement tonight with the cold temps moving in.
Finally got some set on Friday afternoon around the house and connected last night on a big cat. The picture of the belly is also a picture of the remake of the set .


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I plan to get out my traps tomorrow and get them cleaned up and repainted on the ones that need it. Might put 6-8 out here at the house and pull them up Sunday or Monday. Not going to go all out until after the late mz goes out in Dec.

Once trapping season went out in Feb I put everything up and said I'd clean them up and repaint them when it warmed up. Well that didn't happen.
Dumb question here but I'm new to all this V@ do you mean by cleaning and painting '?
New traps have a thin coat of oil/grime on them. Traps will rust quickly in the ground, especially if you use salt as antifreeze when making your sets.
Typically traps are boiled to remove the oil & odors, then allowed to rust a little to roughen the surface, then boiled again in logwood dye basically Bluing the metal similar to a gun to give it some rust protection. Traps are then dipped in melted parafin wax to give a little more protection, and lubricate the trap to help it fire faster and not stick in your set as much when you get rain/ice/mud.
Alternative methods involve some commercial products like SPeed Dip or some of us lazy guys just clean and spray paint them.
When your traps get contaminated with scents from catches, bait/lure, you, oils or anything unnatural, your target species can avoid your set, dig up the trap, or otherwise not work your set properly, you will want to boil or clean your traps again to get the smell off.

If you go the paint or speed dip route, plan on a week or more of dry time to let the paint smell evaporate.
Forgot to mention. Carb or brake cleaner is a quick way to clean the oil off prior to painting.
To speed up dry time, especially now when its cold/damp outside, spray paint traps, let them dry for a couple hours, then put them in an oven on LOW for about 2 hours. Let cool then take out and hang.
This will reduce your dry time to a day or 3 depending on the paint you use.
*** Bonus tip*** Do NOT use engine paint, even if you have free cans of it in the shop. That stuff STINKS! and takes forever to cure. The wife will have your hide when you put those stinky traps in her oven and fog the whole house with harsh chemical paint smells, don't ask me how I know this. :oops: :p
Dumb question here but I'm new to all this V@ do you mean by cleaning and painting '?
@hammer33 explained it much better then I could have. I got mine out and pressure washed mine to clean them up from last year. Told myself I'd clean them up when it warmed up when season ended and well I didn't. Wish I would have now. Once seasons out in Feb I'll pressure wash them down within a couple days and get them ready for the next season.

I spray painted them instead of waxing. May try the wax next go around. My buddy that owns a nuisance trapping business went ahead and painted mine last year when he got them in for me (he gets them wholesale) so I just followed what he did.
Skip the salt and get a bale of peatmoss from your local co-op. I think its about $7-12 Should last you a couple seasons.
search youtube for bedding a trap using peatmoss.
Essentially, you dig the trap bed, pound in your anchor, sift peatmoss in the trap bed, then bed the trap firmly so it doesn't move. I like the hollowfill pillow stuffing under my pan, then sift peatmoss over the whole trap. Carefully pack the peatmoss around the jaws/trap. Then blend by sifting dirt over the trap/peat.
*advanced tip* sling some extra peatmoss around your set. If the only peatmoss in the area is a small patch around your trap, Raccoons will investigate the peat and dig out your trap before working the set. I don't know why, but if I spread a little extra around the set, I get less dig outs and higher catch rate.
peatmoss will shed water but you still need antifreeze if the temp is going below zero. But you can use less antifreeze. I use table salt, a sprinkling beneath the peat and same above. Salt attracts bunnies and deer as does urine. I don't use any urine.

Or just get dirt sift it in a large pan grate parrifin wax into flakes heat dirt and add parrifin mix thoroughly spread out and cool and just like that you have waterproof dirt. All i ever use and have absolutely no problems freezing
Good point Readonly.
Peatmoss is NOT 100% freezeproof. But it covers about 90% of the weather in TN.
It fails when you get a ton of rain, the ground is saturated, then a hard freeze rolls in.

I don't use salt because it is attractive to various critters who will dig up your trap at times to get at the salt.

Thats part of the fun of trapping, figuring out what works for you.
Have you had any problems with rain washing out the salt ?

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