Help me with a build…

I also swapped the trigger spring in my Mossberg 500 and it was a nice upgrade. I got this one from M-Carbo. You may check and see if they have one for your gun. In my opinion, it was worth the 15-20 minutes to install and cost.
Well, I was about to pull the trigger on a kicklite stock as it seemed to have a blend of all the features I wanted.

Add on a new choke, drill/tap, base and my budget was coming in over $200.

Was surfing sportsman's warehouse website for options and noticed the Steven's 301 410. $230. I cannot make my mind ignore the fact that I can buy another gun for the price of rebuilding the 20g.

Someone willing to talk sense into me? I wouldn't even upgrade stocks on the 20g but I need to do everything possible to lessen recoil for her and obviously the 410 in of itself would do that.

**Im hoping I can find some lite weight loads tomorrow so she can shot the 20g this weekend. She started shooting a .223 bolt gun so maybe I'm more concerned with recoil than I should be.
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Well, I was about to pull the trigger on a kicklite stock as it seemed to have a blend of all the features I wanted.

Add on a new choke, drill/tap, base and my budget was coming in over $200.

Was surfing sportsman's warehouse website for options and noticed the Steven's 301 410. $230. I cannot make my mind ignore the fact that I can buy another gun for the price of rebuilding the 20g.

Someone willing to talk sense into me? I wouldn't even upgrade stocks on the 20g but I need to do everything possible to lessen recoil for her and obviously the 410 in of itself would do that.

**Im hoping I can find some lite weight loads tomorrow so she can shot the 20g this weekend. She started shooting a .223 bolt gun so maybe I'm more concerned with recoil than I should be.
Let her shoot it with 2 3/4" shells and then on hunting day load a 3" and she'll never know if you squeezes the trigger on a bird. That's what I did with my son when he was 8 and he never knew the difference. He'll be 22 next month and don't know if I ever told him. I shot it with the 3" shells to make sure it was dialed in beforehand.
…. That's what I did with my son when he was 8 and he never knew the difference. He'll be 22 next month and don't know if I ever told him….
Animation Lying GIF

How do you sleep at night knowing you lied to him? 😂😂😂
Let her shoot it with 2 3/4" shells and then on hunting day load a 3" and she'll never know if you squeezes the trigger on a bird. That's what I did with my son when he was 8 and he never knew the difference. He'll be 22 next month and don't know if I ever told him. I shot it with the 3" shells to make sure it was dialed in beforehand.
i never let my son shoot a 3" out of his 20 ga single shot before I took him duck hunting the first time. He never felt a thing but rolled over backwards into the bushes

…and he folded that teal
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Well, I ditched the 870 modification idea. I let my daughter shoot it with some lite loads and she just didn't like it. I think a lot had to do with the forearm being so far forward on the pump. Even though she will be shooting off a tripod for turkeys she just didn't feel comfortable with it.
So, I used that as an excuse to get a Stevens 301 in .410. 😁
Picked it up the other day and took her to the range to shoot some 21/2 #9s. Length of pull is ridiculously long on the gun and trying to see the front bead is a lost cause. However, I had planned to order her a red dot for it anyways.

Got a AT3 tactical for it and rednecked her a cheek riser with a flip flop and camo ver tape.

We will get it sighted in soon. Once that's done we might sneak out to find a rabbit. She also drew an early season turkey tag for WY, starts April 1, hoping to get out for that. Her soccer starts up then plus weather is iffy but I'm hoping we can at least get a day or two in.

Thanks everyone for the help. I compiled a heck of a list and have the build written down. I very well might do it one day but for now we got a new "toy".

Well, I ditched the 870 modification idea. I let my daughter shoot it with some lite loads and she just didn't like it. I think a lot had to do with the forearm being so far forward on the pump.
Does yours have the short forearm? If so, you can get a longer one that helps with the smaller shooters. I think all the newer youth models come with the longer one nowadays. Here's a pic of ours to compare.

That little 301 is a great little gun too!


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Does yours have the short forearm? If so, you can get a longer one that helps with the smaller shooters. I think all the newer youth models come with the longer one nowadays. Here's a pic of ours to compare.

That little 301 is a great little gun too!
Yeah, mine is the short. She could barely grab the forearm.
Thanks for the tip. I'll look into it.

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