I snuck a couple hundred yards and got infront of them.The hens came with in 10 yards or so and stayed there for 4 minutes then the gobbler finally showed up.I was laying on my stomach because I had no cover.I had to shoot up hill and I guess I pulled my shot a little at 30 yards.I had to chase the bird down and tackle him.
This morning they gobbled good but were all off my lease and around 840 they all shut up.I gave them an hour and went back.I finally got one to gobble on our lease and he was close.He had a hen but I finally got him to come around a fallen treee to take a look.
Bird 1 23 lbs 9 3/4 " beard and 1 3/8 " spurs
bird 2 22 lbs 10 " beard and 1 1/8 " spurs
I feel bad for my son.I took him and we didn't get one then I go out alone two times and take two birds.