#2 Easter Sunday last minute longbeard


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin TN
Made up for my pathetic miss earlier in the day.

Shot this bird, spitting and drumming to the gun at 25 yards


Called him in with this:


I will miss my tube call, but glad this improvised water bottle call worked. Also glad there was a dollar general down the road that had latex gloves.

Killed him on Williamsport WMA right at sunset, I was nervous he'd fly up to roost before coming into range.

Not going to tell any more story. Loads of video footage of the whole opening weekend. I'll have it up on youtube in a few days and will post here.

Once again I must thank the Lord for blessing me with this bird and another memorable hunt. Happy Easter y'all.
Vermin93 said:
I hope you have audio of that call because I would really like to hear that thing in action and I bet I'm not the only one!
yes you can hear it in the video. Not bad sounding for a piece of water bottle. If you know how a tube call works then you can make one out if pretty much anything.

Ill be working on the video, will take some time, but ill get it up soon as I can. At the moment I am more concerned about sleeping a long time :D
Outdoor life said:
You must be the MacGyver of turkey hunting LOL!!! Big time congrats for that call and getting the bird.
thanks man. Just obsessed with turkey hunting and not afraid to cover some ground too. covered a good bit of ground today, especially in the afternoon when there were 3 different gobblers I tried to set up on.
I just sifted through all the video I took today, deleted unwanted clips, and I have 7 GB of video from one whole day. Opening morning also has nearly as much, but I need to sift through it. These dang HD video files are huge. But the end product is worth the used up disk space, and I'm glad I have an external hard drive. It's also been worth carrying a tripod and a 400 pound shotgun all over the woods... extra gear to carry is not so pleasant but it's paid off. Maybe I should at least get a strap for my shotgun. lol

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