sure shot
Well-Known Member
he gave us a darn good run,but i gave em his last run !! it all started last night when i thought i knew where this bird roosted,we get there and get setup bout 5 a.m 5:30 no gobbles,6:00 no i started blind calling for 1 hr we sat there (brother and I) stone cold i tell him come on lets hit this fence row and try strike one up,as soon as we got to the fence i told him dont move 100 yds in the field was 4-5 turkeys he said uh oh you see the strutter right in front of us 200 yds...oh crap, with more hens on him total of about 10-11 in the field,dang !! ok wait til he turns, get in this honeysuckle in this openng and set up, im gonna hide here to see and start callin clucks and purrs with some 3 note yelps,and 30 min later they were 65 yds and closing with ths strutter right in the middle,,,yep all of a sudden they start puttin and move down the field,turns out i seen a jogger on the main road,jogged down the farm road across the field road and down behind us on the fence road seriously !!!!!! so we pack it up and try to get in front of the turkeys in another field,setup call wait for i tell him lets hit this fence row see where these dudes went we get almost back to the same field we spook 1 hen then another...i thought well just maybe there splittin up now we can get on this tom...keep in mind not sure if some of these turkeys wernt jakes or subordinates,so we head down the fence row almost to the end and a hen flies off,at this pt im thinking we just got busted for the final he says to me look in the tall grass hen hunkerd down in ft of the barnas she gets lower i tell him to get down let me ease over to the edge and take a look and i would motion for him if i seen any.....where this barn sets there is a huge drop on the other side and we are in tall grass,trying to use this to our advantage,as i ease up i see 1 hen then 2 the mr,tom tom and several more hens and he is rounding em up like deer headed straight for us...... so i drop down motion for my brother to hurry and crawl to me and crawl to higher i almost get to the taller grass, hen flys up and away....i thought oh no its over...but i just wheeled around on my butt gun up started clucking and purring,cluck and purr and guess whos stick his head up at 20 yds...stoned rolled him with a lovely dose #5 in the face...was trying to call one in for my brother this a.m he was still 15 yds behind me and never seen the tom, but we got the turkey !!! he never gobbled not once. pics of his wings where he was either fighting with a bigger tom but we never seen any jakes so that is a mystery.