2011 bow prices!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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When will the prices quit climbing , cause we can't blame the rising cost of archery gear on poor old Obama. I was seriously thinking bout up grading to a new bow , but now I've had second thoughts.
There are some good deals out there on mid price bows too . The companies market their high end bows because they make the most profit off the higher priced bows with all the bell and whistles , yet every bow company offers mid pice bows as well .
This is also a good time to buy a used bow . Last year's high dollar bows will be sold for $200 less this year as some guys just have to buy a new bow every year to keep up with the Joneses .
If your current bow serves you well , keep it ! There are so many guys that don't hang on to their old bows and regret selling them down the road.
Radar said:
Last year's high dollar bows will be sold for $200 less this year as some guys just have to buy a new bow every year to keep up with the Joneses .

No truer statement has ever been made, Radar! I know those guys!!
Heck, it would be cheaper for them to pay the Jones's to move than it would be to try to keep up with them! ;)
Everyone needs a brand new bow, EVERY year.

They also need to sell me their old set-up, dirt cheap.

That goes for tree stands, four wheelers, rifles, and...... :grin:
You will find a better deal on Archery Talk than Ebay. Archery Talk is better for buying, Ebay is better for selling.
My last three bows were used bows off Archery Talk. I been averaging a different one a year for a while now. You can find a lot of bow on there for like half what a new one would cost. Some people like me just like getting a bow, setting it up, using it a while, and then trying something new. Yeah, I would say a lot to buy a bow every year to have the latest thing or keep up with there buddy or something but so what. Who cares if they buy 3 new bows every year. Seems to me as long as they are out there buying bows they are helping to keep the sport a live.
I can second the thought of buying on Archery Talk.10 years ago I had paid full price for my hunting bow. I loved the way the bow shot. Got on AT and found a guy in Pennsylvania that had the exact same bow for sell at half the price. I bought it and have since shot the whiz out of it. Have won many a trophy and came in third in the State indoor NFAA tournament. And the bow is still like brand new. As for that hunting bow still slinging shafts with it too and putting meat in the freezer.
stik said:
if you buy used, you get no warranty. and you don't know how the bow has been treated.
You get a warranty if you buy a used Elite, but true you don't know how it has been treated.
I have bought a couple of used bows off Archery Talk . I don't see a problem buying a used bow as long as you know how it will shoot and you know how to set it up .
I just don't like to see those guys who shoot a bow at a proshop , then buy a used , only to take it to a proshop and expect them to set it up as they would a new bow had you bought it from them .
stik said:
if you buy used, you get no warranty. and you don't know how the bow has been treated.

True. And what people also dont know. Is if you buy a new bow off of ebay say the pro series bow of that company. You have no warranty as well. A lot of bow co. started to do this to help the pro shops.
BigCountry71 said:
stik said:
if you buy used, you get no warranty. and you don't know how the bow has been treated.

True. And what people also dont know. Is if you buy a new bow off of ebay say the pro series bow of that company. You have no warranty as well. A lot of bow co. started to do this to help the pro shops.

They may do this already. However, I think teaching the people that work in the pro shops how to do things right and maybe offering them some classes in customer service or something would help the pro shops a lot more than not giving a warranty for a bow bought on ebay.
There must be some crappy pro shops out there. I did hear a guy tell me one time about an experience he had at a pro shop. Pro shop owner basically degraded him entirely for wanting something changed on his bow.
UTGrad said:
There must be some crappy pro shops out there. I did hear a guy tell me one time about an experience he had at a pro shop. Pro shop owner basically degraded him entirely for wanting something changed on his bow.

there are also some very good pro shops.
TheAirMan said:
BigCountry71 said:
stik said:
if you buy used, you get no warranty. and you don't know how the bow has been treated.

True. And what people also dont know. Is if you buy a new bow off of ebay say the pro series bow of that company. You have no warranty as well. A lot of bow co. started to do this to help the pro shops.

They may do this already. However, I think teaching the people that work in the pro shops how to do things right and maybe offering them some classes in customer service or something would help the pro shops a lot more than not giving a warranty for a bow bought on ebay.

I see this most in your big box stores like Gander Mtn. Bass Pro etc... They need to fill a spot open for hire and put someone that doesn't know much about the proper set-up of a bow.. Its not the persons fault, He needs a job. It more the stores fault for putting someone in there with no knowledge.

I see better service from your mom and pops pro shops. Granted they might not have everything in stock but they are willing to get for you and work with you.
TheAirMan said:
You will find a better deal on Archery Talk than Ebay. Archery Talk is better for buying, Ebay is better for selling.
My last three bows were used bows off Archery Talk. I been averaging a different one a year for a while now. You can find a lot of bow on there for like half what a new one would cost. Some people like me just like getting a bow, setting it up, using it a while, and then trying something new. Yeah, I would say a lot to buy a bow every year to have the latest thing or keep up with there buddy or something but so what. Who cares if they buy 3 new bows every year. Seems to me as long as they are out there buying bows they are helping to keep the sport a live.

I was talking about buying brand new bows...how can a local pro shop blame ya if I can go and buy a new bow for 300-400$ cheaper than what they are selling it