2011 bow prices!!!!

Radar said:
I just don't like to see those guys who shoot a bow at a proshop , then buy a used , only to take it to a proshop and expect them to set it up as they would a new bow had you bought it from them .

bowtch huntr209 said:
I was talking about buying brand new bows...how can a local pro shop blame ya if I can go and buy a new bow for 300-400$ cheaper than what they are selling it

ask them how they feel about that as they all disappear. they provide a service you can't get on the computer.
It's true they do provide a service. However, if the service isn't worth anything, I'm not going to pay for it just to keep them in business. Maybe I've just never been in a good pro shop. I got my fill and learned to do my own work a long time ago. I can understand and will pay more for quality work. I can also see paying a little more for something if the shop has it in stock when I want it. However, I'm not going to buy something I don't want just because it's what kind the shop carries and if I can save $50-$100 on something I'm going to. I work hard enough for my money that I'm not going to give it away to keep someone in business when I don't need them anyway.
Well what's a person to do in the case of the archery shops within an hour OR two drive not carrying the line of bows you are interested in? That's the problem I run into. Dealers around here are so Mathews biased...and I'm not bashing a Mathews bow but when I'm shopping for a new bow I wanna shoot EVERYTHING and not settle for the one I like best of what the local shop carries.

Case in point...over the past few weeks I have been trying to find my wife a new bow with 40 pound limbs. I have a list of all the bows recommended for short draw archers that actually have 40 pound limbs. There were 3 bows at the top of the list and I'm going to name them here:

BowTech Heartbreaker
Hoyt Vicxen
Mathews Passion

I got on each manufacturer website and called every dealer within an hour of here asking if they had any of the bows in stock...and if they would be getting any in if they didn't. I told them my wife had a shoulder injury and can't pull over 40 pounds anymore without it hurting her.

I found one shop that was going to carry the Heartbreaker. They said they had only ordered 60 pound models though. I asked if they would be getting any in that were 40 pounders....I mean we're talking about ladies bow designed for lady shooters! I don't even shoot 60 pounds anymore and I can probably pull and shoot 100 or better. But they said they would only special order a 40 pounder and that I'd have to buy it if they ordered it for me. I wasn't going to buy a bow that she's never shot and take a chance of her not liking it.

Same story with the Vicxen. I called around and of two Hoyt dealers around, I never got one to answer the phone after calling several times on different days. Then the other one said the same thing as the dealer with the Heartbreaker (special order and would have to buy). The Vicxen is also a ladies bow and these guys are only keeping 60 pounders in stock. Seems like if I were carrying a ladies bow I'd keep some 30-40 and 40-50 pounders in store but that's just me.

Then we move to the Passion. Now Mathews dealers are easy to find around here. All of them I called carry the Passion and it was the only bow we found that she could actually shoot in the shop because they actually had them in the store.

So basically, if a person wants a variety of bows to shoot before making a purchase...they are left with very limited options in what shops carry around here. That's why it pays to know how to work on your own stuff and essentially be your own pro shop. I ended up finding a dealer from Missouri on Archery Talk that had a new 2008 BowTech Equalizer with 30-40 pound limbs that he hadn't sold yet. The Equalizer is what my wife was shooting before the shoulder/neck injury, she just couldn't pull the poundage anymore. So I got the bow for $400 shipped brand new with warranty. If the shops don't carry what you want or are interested in shooting, the Internet is the only way to go unless you are willing to settle. I've never been one to settle though.
I do all my own work , how ever I cut a cable on one of my bows and my press wouldn't work on it without adapters for the limbs .
I weighed my options and took it to the local proshop here to have them order and replace the cable . They are a busy shop and work on many bows so I was patient . I waited two weeks and stopped by to check on it . They hadn't even ordered a cable because they were waiting to do a bulk order from the company who does their custom strings . They said they would have it in a couple of days . I waited 3 days and went down there . It wasn't in yet , so I picked up the bow and ordered a cable from Vapor Trail Archery and got some adaptors for my press. I had everything ordered and done within 5 days .
Put the cable on , set the cam timing , cam lean and tuned the bow . This is a good proshop , but they are too busy and need more help . I'll still buy supplies there , but I'll do my own work .
Bow prices have really shot up there. I haven't bought a bow in 3 years and I'm gonna keep what I've got. It's paid for! Wish I'd hung on to my old MQ1. That bow was quiet, smooth, and very forgiving.
As long as consumers are willing to pay the increased amount for a given brand , companies will price them high .
Their flagship model is always going to be higher because of the increased technology , advertising ,R&D , and expensive materials or processes that are used to produce that model .
You can save money by getting a mid price new bow that fits your needs within your budget . Many excellent mid price bows are offered by several companies now.
I still regret getting rid of a 04 PSE Scorpion. Dang that bow would flat out get it. Killed a bunch of deer with that bow and like a genious when I had the money I decided to get up there with all the Joneses when the Matthews Drenalin XT came out and bought it, that was a big mistake. The bow just didn't work well with me. I sold it a few months ago and I'm fixin to shoot a bunch of different bows and find one that suits ME. Screw the Jones.