Thanks! I've taken my recurve out more this year than anything else, the few times I took my compound out after I got this buck I felt like I was almost cheating lol
The bow is a Palmer Classic that my Father-in-Law bought back in the mid 90's and gave me years ago. It's 62" and 62# @31". I'm drawing it ~58-59# or so with my draw length. He never hunted with it, he said he always felt more comfortable with his compound. So the cool thing is that this bow is about as old as I am and I was able to get not only my first recurve kill with it, but the bows first kill with it too!
The arrows are some cheap "Accmos" name brand arrows off Amazon, $36.99/dozen shafts. Pleasantly surprised with how durable, straight, and consistent these arrows are. I've got a 200 grain VPA 3-Blade 1.25", a 150 grain insert, and a 30 grain 2" 2219 aluminum footer on the front end. Total arrow weight is about 735 grains.