I think our efficiency in killing turkeys is having a greater effect than the season dates or limits. Nowadays there are so many people killing them with strutter decoys or throwing up fans (even worse) and they're killing them a lot farther away with TSS shot. Because what's important is having that photo for social media.
As habitat decreases and hunter numbers increase, if the technology continues to make it easier to kill turkeys with things like hyper realistic looking strutter decoys and TSS loads that can effectively kill one at 75 yds, they don't stand a chance.
I know it's a dream, but I'd love to see a state currently experiencing a turkey decline implement a total ban on decoys. Put a sunset clause on it of 5 years and study the results. I'd like to see if it improves things.
Right now my opinion is that banning decoys will save a lot more turkeys than lowering limits and it will save the right turkeys, most importantly. The dominant Toms will easily breed their hens because they won't be dying opening weekend as they run to fight a strutter decoy. That gets us a lot more eggs on the ground. But until a state tries this, we'll never really know.