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Have never had feeders out this early. Honestly didn't realize hummers could be around but will fill mine up and see if they get any action.
couple fighting over it today need to add another feeder

Hummingbirds are hitting our feeders in North Knox County. They've been up for two days. Guess I better stock up on sugar!DA511200-1F89-47D8-ABE4-E3C2DB62C922.jpeg
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Currently have three feeders for them. Saw three a couple weeks ago, they hung around for a while and then were gone. Hadn't seen any again until this morning, had a female flying around one of my feeders.
Currently have three feeders for them. Saw three a couple weeks ago, they hung around for a while and then were gone. Hadn't seen any again until this morning, had a female flying around one of my feeders.
I had one do the same thing, a male. Hit the feeder for a week or so, then gone. Just reloaded the feeders yesterday and put up some hanging baskets see if that helps attract some birds.
I put a swing by a feeder on the porch a while back. They hadn't used it the first time and I felt insulted lol. Well this afternoon when I pulled up there was one swinging, one buzzing around and while another was at the porch feeder. About time they showed some appreciation!!! Not sure what's changed but there was been a ton of activity around the feeders just since I've been home. Saw more in 30 minutes than I had all of last month. I just caught a few pics of one on the swing. Guess I'll add a couple more to hang from the trees, seems like they're enjoying it.

Great pics! There are only about 3 or 4 regulars that visit mine but we do have others from time to time. The coolest looking one is near impossible to get a good picture of!