Uncle Jesse
Well-Known Member
elknturkey":ispg40rg said:Why I've always stayed away from them as turkey guns. Great if they work but I've shot a lot of sub $1000 doubles and it's a crap shoot getting one that both barrels shoot the sameSouthern Sportsman":ispg40rg said:Uncle Jesse":ispg40rg said:Yildiz over/under from academy. Then you have a short range and a long range barrel
My short range (0 to 25) barrel has a light modified choke shooting 2 3/4 7.5 Golden pheasant
Long range has an extra full shooting hevi 13
2 of the 3 I've killed with it was with the short range barrel
The over/under turkey gun is a great idea in theory. But you have to be careful/lucky because many of the less expensive over/unders may have two barrels that shoot slightly different poi. I tried it with a 12 gauge a few years back. At 30 yards, there was 4-5 inches difference between the two barrels. I killed a few with it but it always bothered me so I sold it after a couple seasons.
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Not a problem at all with my 20 gauge Yildiz. Both barrels shoot to POA. My 410 Yildiz top barrel shoots slightly high while the bottom barrel is dead on