That is my point Doskil, everyone goes on about a two week later start date because they have listened to Dr. Chamberlain. A two week later start date puts us 4 weeks behind Georgia and Alabama( we are not that different than either state). We would also open behind Minnesota which borders Canada. Does any of that make sense? I think we open close to when we should but actually was willing to compromise on that. Now in my email to commission I did actually say a 3 bird limit, no Jakes, absolutely no hens , I actually said open a week later and no gobbler decoys or fans . As you can see I went further than the commission did. I also was making the point that one of the counties in the turkey study ( Giles)for low bird numbers is now in the top 5 in kills. Mega I appreciate you answering that question as you know a ton about turkeys and that is apparent to me. I guess my point on that was this county grew in turkey population with the current opening dates and limits in place. Which a lot of you say is not possible. I am anxious to hear what they say happened in the counties in the study , if it were limits and opening dates how has Giles and Lincoln excelled? I know poult production but again some say that can't happen with the limits and opening date we have. Also telling someone that disagrees with the two bird limit to hop in the vehicle and go to another state , is the same as a person for the 4 bird limit telling you to hop in the vehicle and go to a better county. When you say they should have listened to hunters , what about the ones that wanted to keep or raise the current limit because we set a state record this year? What if they had listened to them? No., I did not want to raise the limit, you seen what I turned in. My point is to me you have to hear both sides and realize not everyone turned in a two bird limit and two week later season. Again you see a lot of people saying two bird , two week delay on this website and as much as we all love this site ,You need to realize a ton of hunters with different opinions are not members of this site. I may end up changing my mind on the start date when they look at it and see how it affects turkey population in some counties the next two years . I am all about what is best for the turkeys and the study may prove that it is.