#3 hard fought battle but SPIT won!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumberland Plateau

Back into the dense green woods we go once again chasin' those ol thunder birds, this trip led us to Middle Tn with good friends of mine. I had previously visited these friends in years past and yet to connect with a turkey, opportunity was always there I just failed to do me part and shoot well ha ha! Cody saddles up with me and heads west on friday about 3 pm this would be his first trip to the area chasin' turkies and the only thing I could say is there was no shortage. Upon arrival we drove by all the farms we had access to and got a feel for the land. Then went back that evening to shoot one if the opportunity presented itself, but primarily to roost one. Hit the field and saw several birds in the field already, called to them but were not interested as they were headed to bed for the night. Got up and at it saturday morning and for sure thought one of us was gonna get to shoot something this morning. Plenty of gobblin' on the limb and when the birds hit the ground still some what good gobblin'. Finally called em to the field edge but was at 100 yards and no interest to cut the distance. Finally walked off out of our lives and up the field edge even farther than before. I called to them they gobbled, I cut aggessively back they gobbled, and cut again they gobbled again. Still nothing as they strutted hard about 200 yards away "Dancing for the camera I like to call it!" They finally leave the field while we hopelessly watch it happen and nothing to do, we pull out and go grab a bite to eat and re-group.

The gameplan you ask? Just to go back to the area they roosted and wait em out for the evening I was certain they would be right back. We parked in the field to the east and started walking in When cody said hey there is a male bird on the hill over across the field i can just see his head through the binos in the grass. I take a look and could very well make out a red head in the grass, lets try to get in range I think it would be fun. Here we go, the stalk for a turkey begins, yeah stalk for a turkey who gets to do this? GAME ON! We make progress and get to were we think he is and look to my left and see the tree I marked him with, over 100 yards away, We are ruint he surely sees us from here. Back up and ease back to the fence row and go on down, as we approached the area we see a hen and gobbler going across the field we hunted that morning, AWESOME thats surely him. We both agree and slip down to the spot anyways to see where he was resting, laying or whatever they do. All the sudden about 10 yards away he jumps up and cody sends a 3.5 inch mag blend towards him with a miss he picks up in the air and starts to really get outa there, second shot drops this 23 lb beast out of the air. We ran to the bird to see him equipped with 1 1/4 inch razor sharp spurs and sporting an 11.5 inch beard WOW what a monster!

After loading his bird and getting our gear back packed up and ready to play another rendition of one of the toughest games i have personally ever played, we turned the camera on and were in pursuit of the bird that was going across the field. Get in postion to check the field and sure enough he is there with a hen headed to the back corner. Get in the truck and ease all the way around the property to the back side and slip in the back door, sure fire plan! Heard drumming in the field as i ease in and thought O this is gravy maybe I will connect. Birds work back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and you get the picture nothing presents a shot but can hear all this action all evening drumming gobbling jake yelps hens etc etc. Finally decided to close the distance a little closer and crawl down the trail. Get set up and called softly and had 3 jakes show up at 20 yards, go no kids its not yet your time i said under my breath. They go on and i ease a little closer finally I can see the strutters in the field, they are about 75 yards away just under the hill. Called to em and they finally after all this time started easing my way, my brother is behind me running the camera, here we go its time they close the distance and ease my gun in postion and at 40 yards cut sharply and give the strutter that was spitting and drumming a load of mag blends up side his noggin and he eats dirt. Once of my better birds to date having 1 1/8 inch spur and the other dubbed off to 15/16, 21.6 lbs and 9.5 inch beard! What a great weekend we had once again thanks for reading!


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