#3 Knew How to Play the Game but Lost...........

TN Larry

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Baxter, Tennessee
It's been an exciting and frustrating weekend so far in the turkey woods. My 8 yr old was not doing anything in school yesterday so I took a vacation day to be with him. I had planned on taking a day or two with him on his Spring Break but had my surgery on my foot.

Long story short.....we called in 3 longbeards yesterday with no shots fired. One basically ran to us and busted us at 20 yds trying to get set up. Rookie mistake on my end. He was ready though and could have killed it before it seen us but wanted to tell me he seen it first. I told him to shoot the next time. We called two more in to 40 yards and couldn't get them to come around a brush pile. They busted us as we tried to put a move on them. Very frustrating to be so close to his first turkey, but that's part of it.

He decided to sleep in this morning so I went solo. I got on this bird at fly down this morning but didn't kill him until 7:45. I got in a cussing match with his hen and called her in, but he still wouldn't commit. I bet that he gobbled close to a hundred times especially when the hen and I were going back and forth. I think that is one of the reasons that he didn't come because of all the calling, but I had his hen. Another gobbler fired up across the hollow that sounded like he wanted to play so I decided to get aggressive on this bird and either kill him or bust him. After a few moves, I had bird #3 for the year. I nearly took the 20 this morning but glad that I took the 12 as it was a pretty good shot.

Lil man was going to go later in the morning, but after the storm, we decided to go fishing. That wasn't a mistake as we caught the snot out of some big shellcracker and had a ball. If the rain holds off, he is already in bed and set to get up and hunt a few hrs before church in the morning. I'm beat and about to head to bed as well.

Now for the tale of the tape,

20lbs 2 oz
9.75" thick beard
1 1/8" spurs

Congrats! Always worth it in the end when you got to work for them.

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