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3 months until a duodecennial….

That's awesome! Congrats!!!

How far did he go?
Right at 600 yards the best I can figure. I blood trailed for 75 yards and it stopped, then after we found him I back trailed (guessing the route but with a good hunch) it back to last blood and it was .3 miles.
Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 8.53.13 AM.webp

Here is a pic from another ridge looking toward the location I killed him. X is where I shot him, the red line (he took the flat route, hit the timber and drop some elevation) is the approximate route he took after the shot and the red circle is where he died. The yellow line is where he came from when I was calling him in.

Definitely punched the liver. I never did find the arrow(s). No exit wound(s) on opposite side either. I really don't know if I hit the artery or not. I did the "gutless" method on him and once the tenderloins were out (which were perfectly fine and no gut puncture there) I dug through his internals. No arrow, perfect broad head puncture in liver and all damage appeased on the shot side.
I give up on trying to figure out what that arrow did.

Sheer damn luck! I zigzagged through gnarly deadfall. Had about enough of that and headed back to AT. So bad in there I lost him within a couple of steps! Stopped while looking for AT and just happened to look to the right. There he was! Had some hard tracking in the past but that was by far the hardest. Pretty sure I was as happy as he was. My first elk hunt was last year and couldn't even confirm I heard one bugle. My goal was to hear one for the first time. This hunt blew all expectations out of the water and will be hard pressed to have a better elk hunt than this! I've never seen or heard anything like it. I appreciate these degenerates for allowing me to hunt with them! Couldn't ask for a better crew!! I'm adding my tall/ugly ass mug to the thread…View attachment 244685
How far did the elk travel after the shot?
Never mind next post 😂