3D Shoots reminders...

Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
Reaction score
McMinn County
Benton Shooters is having their monthly shoot this weekend, April 5&6. They have new ASA targets and put on a great shoot.

Also this month, is the start of the King of the String series. Bucks2Beards has the info for that, a few posts down. This will be a fun series of shoots, and if the numbers are there for each shoot, there is potentially some good money to be won by somebody. The first shoot kicks off the 12th and 13th of this month at B2Bs.

There is another series of shoots coming up, also starting this month. It is the Tri State Championship, which will consist of a tournament at 3 different venues. One will be at Full Draw Archery in Georgia, one will be at Davey Mtn Archery in North Carolina, and the last one is at Benton Shooters in Tennessee. Participants will shoot in each "leg" of the championship and then compete at the championship at Benton. The prize is a very nicely made belt buckle for 1st place, and then money for 1st and 2nd places, and most all ASA classes will be represented. This will be a fun series as well. The first shoot of the three will be April 12-13 at Full Draw Archery, in Dalton, GA. The second one will be Davey Mtn on May 24 and 25. And the last one at Benton, will be on June 7 & 8.

So the next few months should be a lot of fun for those that shoot 3D. The only conflict between the two, is the first shoot date of April 12-13. If you shoot the King of the String series, you have to be there at one of two shoot times....either 9 or 1. I think the Tri State shoots, you can show up at any time but they will put you in groups to bust up buddies, etc. I'm going to try to shoot in both. I haven't ever been to Davey Mtn or the place in Dayton for the K.O.S. shoot, but I imagine I can find 'em. Hope to see some of you guys and gals at some of the shoots.
It's a chance at some potential good money. As always, it depends on the number of players. Typically, 3D shoots start to drop off in numbers through the summer months. They get big in the spring, then drop off, then get big around August again as people get ready for hunting. That's what worries me a little. Is it worth paying $30 entry fee X3 or x4 shoots, and doing a lot of driving if only 3 or 4 others shoot all 3 or 4 shoots in your class? That's the kicker. Especially since its only going to first place. Definitely a gamble.
If you think of it as if you were going to one shoot a month anyway for the next 4 months and going to shoot in the money class at those four shoots you would spend $20.00 a shoot and win only first place at those local shoots ,so for $10.00 more for four shoots that's $40.00 total you may win bigger money plus have a chance at over $1000 worth of prizes we are giving away also ..so its not really that big a gamble IMO. Just the way I think on it but I do understand your point
I am also having custom plaques made for each leg of the event as well as the championship round so its a unique plaque just for these shoots .
Yeah the entry fee ain't the part that is the gamble. The gamble is which class is going to hold the biggest number of shooters to make it interesting $ wise. AKA, how many are gonna be in the class you choose to shoot. I'm a good example of this. I'm shooting Open C this year...but are there gonna be enough shooters in Open C to make a go at it...or is Known 45 gonna be the bigger class? That's the gamble. There might be just as many in Open C as there are in K45. There might even be more. There might be less. I don't feel that I'm quite ready to jump into K45 in the national level...but on the local level, I MIGHT could hold my own in it. LOL when money starts talking, my ears perk up.
Crow Terminator said:
Yeah the entry fee ain't the part that is the gamble. The gamble is which class is going to hold the biggest number of shooters to make it interesting $ wise. AKA, how many are gonna be in the class you choose to shoot. I'm a good example of this. I'm shooting Open C this year...but are there gonna be enough shooters in Open C to make a go at it...or is Known 45 gonna be the bigger class? That's the gamble. There might be just as many in Open C as there are in K45. There might even be more. There might be less. I don't feel that I'm quite ready to jump into K45 in the national level...but on the local level, I MIGHT could hold my own in it. LOL when money starts talking, my ears perk up.
I would say K45 will be tough in that series . From what I heard ,the K50 guys will be shooting K45 in the series I think .
Yes both points are made well the K50 guys will be shooting in the K45 in this series ,but lets be honest you got the yardage and not many shoots either K50 or K45 at our club is stretched out anyway ,hold the pin still and make a good shot and you should be money ..lol that easy right?? everyone is beatable and has good and bad days .The Open C will be a big class IMO as big or bigger then the K45 ,that's why people have to shoot there ASA class is to keep the classes evenly stacked as best as possible. Next year we may have K50 and all classes depends on how this year goes.

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