40 yards

If that is a 40yd pattern, I'd shoot it at 30 to see what it looks like.... I wouldn't be taking a 40 yard shot with that pattern... no offense. Too many gaps and assuming you were aining for the red-dot in the center.... not really any "killing" pellets in the head/neck areas.
I don't think it will consistently do the job. In fact that pattern would make me very nervous at 25, not to mention 40. As all know I like a more open pattern than the majority of hunters, but I can get a better pattern with a Improved cylinder choke and 6's.

What gun, load, and choke are you using?
Do you have a more open choke in the .655-.660 to try.... there is such a thing as over-choking which results in blown patterns....

I still wouldn't trust the second pattern @ 40yds.... too many open gaps very few if any in the "kill area".....
I agree with what others have stated regarding pattern density; that's a little light for my liking at 40 yards. That .640 choke seems tight...might be OVERchoking the load resulting in a less than optimal pattern. You might also try polishing your barrel; some of those Mossberg barrels are rougher than a Nebraska cob.
Sorry, but none of those sheets have enough pellets for me. I don't want the ultra tight stuff that a lot of hunters want. But those are all very open IMO

.640 seems amazingly tight in terms of constriction

If its worked for 15 years why the angst now? Is this the first time you've patterned it?
Hey I used to use my 500 to turkey hunt and I used an undertaker choke. it was cheap but was good to 40 yds. I think it was a 660 or .665.

I used Remington Premier magnums high velocity in #5 and Winchester (cheap silver box) #5. you may want to change the choke and try some different shells. I know it is expensive, but when i first started, I did not do enough of this and it resulted in frustration and probably wounding some birds.
Not the first time I've patterned it. The angst now is because it used to pattern much better. I don't have any old shells and the new ones aren't shooting as well.
m_allison71 said:
Its a Mossberg 500 with a Hastings .640 choke and Federal 3 inch Mag- Shoks.
if I'm not mistaken, those Mag-Shocks are flight control wad. I would go get me some Winchester #5 or #6 shot and try it again. Those flight control wads don't usually like a choke that tight. I would also say that that choke is way to tight for #4 shot.
.640 is too tight. I would try something in the .660-.665 range. The 6s are fine out out 40 yards energy wise, but I wouldn't trust them much further than that. Might even try 5 shot. I've seen guns pattern better with 5s than they do with 6s, though I can't explain why. But I agree with what others have said -- I wouldn't shoot past 30 if that was my pattern at 40.
Wes Parrish said:
Before I'd try a different choke, I'd try a different shell.
Mag Blends might be just what you need with that choke, or even better, some straight Hevi #7's.

Shooting HTL shot through a .640 choke would be a terrible idea, IMO. .640 is usually too tight even for lead, which gives some when you shoot. A load of dense hevi shot that has no give when it goes through the choke could cause serious barrel/choke problems.
I used to shoot a moss. 500 with a .640 choke and win. 3" 1 3/4 oz 6's and it would pattern great at 40and would kill consistent at that range but any closer and you better be on the stock . The reason I do not shoot this combo today is heavy shot and now the long beards .

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