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5.56/.223 for deer opinion

I shot a couple of doe with it one year using the federal fusion. All were good shots and farthest run was about 100 yards but was in a field and she ran to the edge of the woods and died there. I have had deer do the same thing with a .270 it is like they are conditioned to just run to the woods. I mainly used the .223 just to see if it would work and it did. My preferred rifle to use is a 30-30 in the woods where I prefer to be. If I do hunt the fields it is the .270.

On another note a few years ago I wanted to build an AR deer rifle with better knock down then the .223 and as I looked at ballistics of what calibers were available I came to the conclusion I was just wasting my money on a build that wasn't any better then my 30-30 or .270. So I bought a new scope for the 30-30 instead. Since then a few calibers have peaked my interest but not enough to drop the money on a build yet.
Just fine if you do your part. That being said, not as much wiggle room for error, and often less blood trails than other calibers.

Will it do the job? Yes.
Are their other options that will do the job better? Yes.
Where's Deer Assassin at? I have a .223 that I was going to use for hunting, but with the other heavier calibers at my disposal, I don't see the point. Heck, I'm still carrying my muzzleloader when I hit the woods. If it was the only rifle I had, I wouldn't hesitate. Since I have other rifles, I do hesitate. Tracking deer is no fun. Not finding a shot deer sucks out loud.
Bullets choice. FMJ is a no go for deer. 62 gr Barnes tsx is bad deer medicine. I have killed 5 deer with this load. Had 2 bang flops and the rest expired In sight. Bullet choice and shot placement gentlemen and the 223 is a viable deer round.FMJ i
FMJ is illegal in Tennessee.
I have had deer run when lung heart shot with 300wm, some 100y , I will use a 223 with good bullets with no fear of it not killing deer. you have to live with your choices and me with mine,
My broad head cuts a 2" hole through a deer. That's 50mm. So by that logic my bow is 10x larger than a 5.56.
Well i dropped a deer with no issues with AR 15. This disagreement could go on for ever.

I guess it can all be bad mouthed gun and bow.

Shot placement is everything no matter what you use.
I shot a deer last week 30/06 destroyed lungs and hit heart too. Deer ran 60 yards. I had a blood trail. When I shot deer with AR I had a blood trail. I used Fusion Ammo for deer in my AR.
I knew I would stir up the hornets nest when I posted this.


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I wouldn't and don't use it as my preferred caliber. I have done some doe control with the Barnes tsx and had good results. I was using Black Hills optimized 50 grain load and well placed shots drop them in their tracks.
My kids have killed seven deer with one using ole core lokts. That being said all shots were within 70yards. Not my first choice but was what fit my kids at the time. I would use it again, but just not my cup of tea. I like flannel and lever guns.
Never shot one with a .223 but have with the .243. My son started with the .243. Most times these days I carry my .270. 30-06 hasn't seen daylight in years except when opening the safe for something else. Like anything else it comes down to personal choice.
I wouldn't personally use it when I have a .243 and other better calibers available at my disposal. However, I'd have no problem taking my wife or kids hunting with a .223 (with good ammo) if that's the rifle they like and shoot the best.
This'll blow y'all's minds...... long read, but definitely worth it.
