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6.5 Grendel with Barnes 100gr TTSX


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2018
Sale Creek
So I was thinking of using my 6.5 Grendel AR to hunt with this year. And maybe this post belongs in rifles or reloading. Anyway I shot three shot groups with three different bullets. One of which was Barnes 100 grain ttsx. I had never used that bullet before. I was really impressed with the group. Less than an inch and it was blustery where I was yesterday. It shot the best group between it, 120 grain ballistic tip, and 123 grain SST. The thing is the group was a full six inches higher than the other two bullets. I really didn't want to fiddle with my scope that much this close to Deer season. However it's not the firearms deer season yet! What I'm wondering is, is the 100 grain ttsx a good bullet for deer in the 6.5 Grendel? It seems a little light compared to the 120 and 123. And yes I know lot of deer are killed with 100 grain bullets from a 243. I can still change my mind and sight in the rifle for that round if it seems to be a deer killer or not. Wondering what are others opinions?
The 100gr TTSX is great in the 6.5G at around 2700 fps. You will likely get less "shock effect" with them than heavier lead core bullets, but you will get a good blood trail from a full pass through. Don't be scared of the shoulders

No idea why you don't want to adjust the scope. POI shifts are common when changing components or ammo. Make sure that you clean all jacketed fouling from it before shooting the monos though
The 100gr TTSX is great in the 6.5G at around 2700 fps. You will likely get less "shock effect" with them than heavier lead core bullets, but you will get a good blood trail from a full pass through. Don't be scared of the shoulders

No idea why you don't want to adjust the scope. POI shifts are common when changing components or ammo. Make sure that you clean all jacketed fouling from it before shooting the monos though
I don't mind adjusting the scope at all. It's just that I wasn't sure I wanted to do it to accommodate a bullet that might not be appropriate for deer. I do have 120 grain ttsx in 6.5 that I haven't loaded yet which might be a better idea.
Barnes like speed, so light and fast

From the Grendel the 100 would be better than the 120 but I'm not sure either beats the 120nbt or 123sst on deer.

I've killed a whole bunch of hogs with the 120nbt from my grendel and I've killed several deer with them from my 260 rem. They're an excellent bullet.

My experience with white tails and hard bullets if shoulders aren't broken has been it turns into quite a bit of tracking.