90 YARD BOW KILL........

Long range shots arent for everyone! You need to have confidance at the yrds you are shooting. I shot a turkey at 101 yrds luckly with a friend range finding it for me so i had a witness. lol. But i shoot every day and regurly at 50 and 75 yrds. So 90-100yrd deer shots are very do able if the person practises enough. I do not encourage it though.
bparchtech said:
Long range shots arent for everyone! You need to have confidance at the yrds you are shooting. I shot a turkey at 101 yrds luckly with a friend range finding it for me so i had a witness. lol. But i shoot every day and regurly at 50 and 75 yrds. So 90-100yrd deer shots are very do able if the person practises enough. I do not encourage it though.

I agree 100%. I've seen some folks shooting bows that had no business shooting at a deer beyond 10 yards. And I've seen some that I would be comfortable letting them shoot an apple off my head at 40.

The furtherest I've actually shot and hit something I was aiming at, was 133 yards. I shot a 1 gallon milk jug. Now I wont sit here and lie to you and tell you that I did it my first try. Nope, it took a few tries but I did managed to hit it twice. But I've been shooting a "real" bow and arrow since I was 4 years old and was shooting a homemade bow (out of a stick and kite string and a little tree limb) since I was about 3. I got a little Bear Brave style bow for my 4th birthday and I just turned 27 last month. Have killed many more deer with my bow than I have with ML or gun and traveled many miles shooting tournaments.
I don't see why people say it's stupid or unethical.Jealous
of others abilities maybe? ;) Maybe if that person had never
practiced long shooting and was carelessly just flinging arrows
but I have seen some pretty amazing archers that can flat out
For kicks and giggles earlier this evening I was changing some things around with my bow setup. I moved the scope on my sight to let it go lower...thus enabling further distance. I got it set from 20-60 dead on. Then stepped back to 100 yds (range finder) and now I can hit the red circle on my Yellow Jacket bag target at 100 yds. I can't hit it center every shot but I can hit it :) I switched from Slick Tricks to Rage 2 blade as well.
I have killed a doe this year at a ranged 53 yards. She did not go 50 yards and died. I have a leica crf 900. It is "almost" accurate. What was funny is that either she was looking at the sound or could see the arrow but her head turned with the arrow as it went into her ribs.
I got a buddy out here in New Mexico that killed an antilope at 110 yards. I didnt belive him till he showed me the video. Ive tried my hand at long distance shooting with a bow, but quickly relized i cant afford arrows 3 or 4 times a month so i keep it under 50 yards now.

Also youll see more of the longer distance shots in the western states more than back home in Tennessee.
I'll wade in on this one. Just for laughs!

I'd say that if you are a TOP NOTCH 3-D competitor, and practice REGULARLY at LONG distances (like say 90 plus yards), and are confident at shooting tight groups at those distances, then MAYBE.

If you REGULARLY win or place top 3 in high stress, competitive 3-D or similar shoots, and are some of the exceptional FEW who are EXTREMELY accurate with a bow, at ANY distance, then MAYBE.

If all conditions are PERFECT, i.e.-calm wind, calm animal, EXACT distance to the target, WIDE OPEN shot, then MAYBE.

If you have SUCCESSFUL, experience at longer shots at live animals, then MAYBE.

If you do not have ALL of the above...then ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Personally, I have taken VERY FEW past 40 yards.

There is just TOO much that can happen.

Sorry 102, I have to disagree. I know of many who can and do outshoot me on a target, but cannot seal the deal on killing an animal.
Big difference in a target and an animal.
Carlos said:
Doesn't Tim McGraw have a song called Indian Outlaw about that?

"I can kill a deer or buffalo- from 100 yards don't ya know with jus my arrow and my hickory bow, I do it all the time."

I believe it. ;)
Well, you know a 5'5" baldheaded cowboy who wears a black plastic cowboy hat to hide his baldhead,and to add a little height to his perception is bound to be an authority. If he says it, it must be so. LOL
Headhunter, GREAT point. I agree. That is why I made it IMPERATIVE that ALL criteria be met including but not limited to:
"If you have SUCCESSFUL, experience at longer shots at live animals, then MAYBE.

KEY phrase being the above.

I too, know a few good 3-D shooters who fall short on live deer. But I know of NOT ONE, who has success on longer shots, who is also an accomplished 3-D competitor (and BOWHUNTER), who isn't at least capable at taking long shots.

An interesting side-note to this discussion:
Myself, and ALL the other CONSISTENLY successful archers I know UNANIMOUSLY agree that bowhunting for deer is mostly about how close you can get for your shot, not how far you can accurately shoot. ALL of us STRONGLY discourage taking shots past 25 yards.


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