A Boy and his Boykin

Cuttin Caller

Staff member
Sep 29, 2003
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Been doing a lot of research and reading up on Boykin spaniels. This is going to be a great dog. I don't Duck hunt but that kid in that picture does.

Now where is a good trainer?


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I duck hunt with a buddy that has one. She does an excellent job.
Been doing a lot of research and reading up on Boykin spaniels. This is going to be a great dog. I don't Duck hunt but that kid in that picture does.

Now where is a good trainer?
Saw an episode of RNTV where the owner, John Stephens, had just got a new Boykin and was having the dog trained by a guy around Bucksnort. Don't remember the fellow's name but maybe someone on here does.
Been doing a lot of research and reading up on Boykin spaniels. This is going to be a great dog. I don't Duck hunt but that kid in that picture does.

Now where is a good trainer?

My Boykin is self trained. I'm not nearly as diligent with it to turn him into a showcase retriever or trial dog, but he's well behaved, obedient, and pretty good retrieving practice dummies. I'll start more with him transitioning to birds over the summer to see if he'll work out as a dove dog. My Boykin is the greatest dog I've ever had, and is the reason we'll continue to have them long after he's gone. The guy we got him from warned us early, though. Boykin people are weird. Boykin people are what Orvis folks are to fishing.

It takes some time to learn your dog, and separate out some of the heavier-handed techniques that work well for Labs. Boykins tend to be less stubborn and more sensitive, so they don't always respond as well to sternness as a Lab would. Start now with a pinch collar and a short lead to learn how to sit, and your expectations to heel, walk, and return to you when called. Playtime is critical so that he learns to enjoy retrieving, playing with you, but also knows early on that his job is to bring things back every time.

I've used the Brown Dog Academy group for some good training drills and advice. Blaine Tarnecky is the guy's name that runs it, and his Patreon is something like $10/month for access to videos. He is Boykin specific, and has a lot of videos for basic stuff, on through complex trials. I keep his videos bookmarked, and have used a lot of his training advice to work with my dog.
A couple troublesome things for us early on:

1) Our Boykin was tough to potty train. It took significantly longer time to get him accustomed to OUTSIDE being the same as PEE/POOP. Use the words early and frequently with him while you're out there so he knows the expectation to "GO" is the first priority when outside. He was bad about getting so wound up with the outside world that he'd forget to pee or poop, then come inside and immediately relieve himself.
2) Getting him to leash train was very simple. But I'm still struggling with having him not going into "explorer" mode when walking around. I want him to always understand that his job is to keep on my left at all times. So enforcing that as much as you can, especially when you need him on his best behavior, will be critical
3) My Boykin is exceptionally food motivated. I've avoided using treats too much for training because I don't want him being food dependent on everything. I rarely give him snacks, and he eats twice a day. Pull his food up when he's done to keep him from cruising. I'm also struggling because a guy here at work was giving him food a bunch, and now I'm having to break the dog from bad habits because he's always wandering off to seek him out for snacks. It's really been a setback for a lot of his training. Make sure everyone is crystal clear about your feeding expectations for the dog.
Oh, and allergies can be horrendous for them. Bosco would spend so much time scratching/itching/dragging his belly his first few months that we couldn't hardly spend time training him. He eats NutriSource duck/oatmeal food to help keep allergies at bay. Vet said absolutely do not give the dog grain-free food. But when it got to where we couldn't keep his attention because he was so itchy, he started getting allergy shots. It was an instantaneous fix. They'd last about 6-8 weeks, then he'd get another one. That carried him into the dormant grass winter, which was much better. He needed about 2 more until he outgrew his allergies.

This is Bosco

Do they go to the same barber? They both have some curls going on.

Follow a good program and you can DIY. There's a decent Boykin following in TN and I'd imagine you can find someone relatively close by that's good with the breed. Very smart dogs that want to please you but as others have mentioned, you can lean on them too hard and they will shut down.
TAFKAP and MickThompson thank yall for the knowledge you shared.
Feel free to share any and all.

Oh and I am the barber for both of them. Lol
Kim Smith owner/trainer
He has bred/trained some of the finest Boykins in the state.
I believe his female just passed away that made him who he is.

I have always wanted one!!

Can not tell you how much I love this breed. Grabbed a few highlights for pictures below. We do run hunt tests but primarily bird hunt. He's picked up pheasants, ducks, geese, doves, pigeons, chukar, and quail so far. If it's a bird it's in trouble. He turns 2 next month.

For the op above you really need to get your pup on birds as soon as possible. Preferably a live pigeon or dove. I took 4 to a buddy who just sent a litter home Saturday and at 7 weeks they were all smashing pigeons. It plays a huge part, if you can't get live birds atleast try to get some wings. Not sure where you're located but happy to help if I can.
though i've never owned a Boykin, i have hunted with several. all have been great little dogs. strong, smart, plenty of energy to spare and some more head strong then others. if i wasn't such a lab/chessie freak i'm sure one would be living at our place.
though i've never owned a Boykin, i have hunted with several. all have been great little dogs. strong, smart, plenty of energy to spare and some more head strong then others. if i wasn't such a lab/chessie freak i'm sure one would be living at our place.

I love this little brown dog. He's been such a great companion, and incredibly well behaved and obedient. I will never not have a Boykin in our house. Great pets, great working dogs, perfect size. Despite their wiry appearance, their coat is very soft and fairly simple to maintain. Although I guarantee a lab doesn't snag cockleburrs like a Boykin does

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