A few from this year

Congrats Hook on the birds, if you are ever in middle TN during season, we got to meet up at Yanahli WMA and get on some birds. It is my first year hunting and I have taken one, missed #2, going for him again in a few days.
tndrbstr said:
Setterman said:
BowGuy84 said:
Nice pics man...KY bird in DBNF? How close was that third TN bird?
the ky one came off a wma near harlan, and the bloody headed Tn bird was the result of me clubbing him with a stick. Needless to say things didn't go as planned. Funny story though.

Here is the abridged version of the story. Leave truck, get 1/2 mile away from truck realize gun is unloaded. No big deal, have the barney fife tucked away for emergencies. Strike bird, set up, bird comes in, no worries I usually never need more then one shot. Shoot bird, bird rolls, run to bird, bird gets his feet under him, as he is only head shot with no broken neck. Bird can only run about 1/4 speed, so I cut the angle and decide the best approach is to tackle him like an SEC linebacker. Make tackle, never considering the spurs he might have. Bird goes nuts as expected, spur hooks into crotch of pants, tears pants. Slips out of my grasp, however I manage to grasp him by both feet. By now I am getting beat to a pulp by his wings. In an act of survival I hold on for dear life with one hand while grovelling for something to finish him with, with the other. Find club, beat bird as if it is me or him who is to die. Bird ends up dead, me covered in blood and pants torn from spur encounter. I lay exhausted in the trail laughing for a few minutes before collecting myself to walk back to truck.

I wouldn't believe the story if someone told it to me, but lightning strike me dead if that isn't the truth. After killing over 150 of these things, I have never had this happen. And certainly hope to never relive the experience again. BTW the bird had almost 1.25" sharp hooked spurs. I am lucky I didn't get messed up from him.
That right there was FUNNY !
Congrats dude. :D

Oh and I can see that kind of thing happening to me.
Setterman said:
tndrbstr said:
Setterman said:
BowGuy84 said:
Nice pics man...KY bird in DBNF? How close was that third TN bird?
the ky one came off a wma near harlan, and the bloody headed Tn bird was the result of me clubbing him with a stick. Needless to say things didn't go as planned. Funny story though.

Here is the abridged version of the story. Leave truck, get 1/2 mile away from truck realize gun is unloaded. No big deal, have the barney fife tucked away for emergencies. Strike bird, set up, bird comes in, no worries I usually never need more then one shot. Shoot bird, bird rolls, run to bird, bird gets his feet under him, as he is only head shot with no broken neck. Bird can only run about 1/4 speed, so I cut the angle and decide the best approach is to tackle him like an SEC linebacker. Make tackle, never considering the spurs he might have. Bird goes nuts as expected, spur hooks into crotch of pants, tears pants. Slips out of my grasp, however I manage to grasp him by both feet. By now I am getting beat to a pulp by his wings. In an act of survival I hold on for dear life with one hand while grovelling for something to finish him with, with the other. Find club, beat bird as if it is me or him who is to die. Bird ends up dead, me covered in blood and pants torn from spur encounter. I lay exhausted in the trail laughing for a few minutes before collecting myself to walk back to truck.

I wouldn't believe the story if someone told it to me, but lightning strike me dead if that isn't the truth. After killing over 150 of these things, I have never had this happen. And certainly hope to never relive the experience again. BTW the bird had almost 1.25" sharp hooked spurs. I am lucky I didn't get messed up from him.

i wish you had that on video. im still laughing lol
Setterman said:
Here is the abridged version of the story. Leave truck, get 1/2 mile away from truck realize gun is unloaded. No big deal, have the barney fife tucked away for emergencies. Strike bird, set up, bird comes in, no worries I usually never need more then one shot. Shoot bird, bird rolls, run to bird, bird gets his feet under him, as he is only head shot with no broken neck. Bird can only run about 1/4 speed, so I cut the angle and decide the best approach is to tackle him like an SEC linebacker. Make tackle, never considering the spurs he might have. Bird goes nuts as expected, spur hooks into crotch of pants, tears pants. Slips out of my grasp, however I manage to grasp him by both feet. By now I am getting beat to a pulp by his wings. In an act of survival I hold on for dear life with one hand while grovelling for something to finish him with, with the other. Find club, beat bird as if it is me or him who is to die. Bird ends up dead, me covered in blood and pants torn from spur encounter. I lay exhausted in the trail laughing for a few minutes before collecting myself to walk back to truck.

I wouldn't believe the story if someone told it to me, but lightning strike me dead if that isn't the truth. After killing over 150 of these things, I have never had this happen. And certainly hope to never relive the experience again. BTW the bird had almost 1.25" sharp hooked spurs. I am lucky I didn't get messed up from him.

i would pay good money to see that on video :D
LOL, I've had a lil taste of spurs a time or two myself! Congrats on your kills! I too Turkey different states and love to killem myself, nothing like it for sure!
hahahahah i swear i have seen a similar story, except the one i witnessed ended with a rock instead of a stick and my buddy not only had the birds blood on him but a bit of his own as well.

i laughed so hard watching it i could not catch my breath for 30mins!
Congrats on a great season! You've been busy!

For some reason, I get just as fired up about hunting the birds as ever, but each year I care less and less about actually killing them.

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